I voted sticker

Promoted from the Comments – Why can’t NH be like Utah when it comes to voting?

Not often do I say that NH ought to be doing something just because another State is. WE are NH – not some other State. Our culture (until the Progressives came rolling into NH in big numbers) is different, our outlook is different, our sense of volunteerism is different – we all could mention a … Read more

Democratic National Convention:You Need An ID

“I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” —Will Rogers Remember…you don’t need an ID in many places to vote….BUT YOU NEED AN IDENTIFICATION TO GET INTO THE CONVENTION…#IRONY.

Fraudulent Voting And Its’ Hardcore Advocacy

“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.  Those who count the votes decide everything.”—Josef Stalin

Well, at least she could spell it correctly

Pulling out all the stops, the anti-voter ID crowd showed up in Concord Tuesday to decry the passage of a law that would require citizens to prove they are who they say they are when showing up to vote. Same old tired argument. “If this law passes, people will be disenfranchised.” 

This is not true. It never has been true and saying it a thousand times won’t make it fact. The left has confabulated, bloviated and contorted every relativist argument to be mustered to date. Yet the result is always the same…reductio Ad absurdum.

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Voter ID: Challenging the Challengers

  “American youth attributes much more importance to arriving at driver’s license age than at voting age.”  —Marshall McLuhan

NH Poll workers see dead peopleHB 1301, a bill seeking to remove requirements for an an affidavit to challenge votes , and permitting voter challenges on election days to be made at voting registration tables. The Bill, sponsored by Representative Paul Mirski and Paul Ingbretson, passed a house vote on February 22,  212 to 129, and is now before the Senate with a hearing scheduled for this past Tuesday.

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