From the NRCC:
Washington- With two weeks left in the summer recess and one step closer to the possibility of a government- run healthcare system, has Carol Shea-Porter read the monstrosity that is the Democrats 1,018- page healthcare bill? Has she read about the job-killing, tax-hiking, and government-run mess that is HR 3200? Well, for New Hampshire residents’ sake, they better hope so.
HR 3200: printed BOTH sides
“If Democrats like Carol Shea-Porter have yet to read the writing on the wall that Americans are opposed to government-run healthcare, the least they can do is promise to read their party’s unpopular bill,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Given the Democrats’ track record, a bill that large could have anything in it. Shea-Porter has a responsibility to hold her party bosses accountable for the content. After blindly supporting a wasteful $1 trillion stimulus package, Shea-Porter owes it to her constituents to demand that Nancy Pelosi doesn’t strong-arm a massive healthcare takeover through Congress without giving lawmakers the chance to read it in its entirety.”
In one the worst recessions in history, the Democrats’ healthcare takeover could lead to even higher unemployment rates: