Poor Kelly. When compared to the competition, is there no doubt she belongs down in the farm league?


Kelly Ayotte exit stage left

With yesterday’s news that Sean Mahoney is looking at taking a run for NH’s soon to be vacated US Senate seat presently held by Judd Gregg, we now have a two man race… A REAL one.

"Doug, you must mean between Mahoney and Ayotte– a man and WOMAN race, right?" Er, not really. I was kinda talkin’ about Mahoney and Ovide LaMontagne. THAT two man race [Note: do not misconstrue any of my sentiments expressed here as being in any way anti-woman] . How long has it been since Republicans had to make a choice between what most can agree are top-shelf candidates? For me, I am going to be in a quandary, as I know and respect both men, and at different times in the past, I enthusiastically supported each one.

The simple fact about this race is that, while the Washington poobahs may have decided that Kelly is their gal for the GOP nomination and will try to shovel enough money her way so that she might somehow purchase victory, the stark reality is that she was wholly untested and unknown in her leanings before that decision was made. Now that she’s been out there a bit, this lack of any real political experience is sorely apparent.

Consider the video Skip took of Ms. Ayotte at last week’s appearance in front of the Belknap County Republicans at their monthly meeting. In addition to sounding nothing close to a level of real passion as a speaker, she could NOT answer a simple question as to the type of Republican she might be. If she’s this bad in a roomful of fellow Republicans, how on earth will she handle a mixed crowd of Independents and Democrats during the general campaign, should she win the primary?

Compare and contrast that to Sean Mahoney’s commanding performance during a recent WMUR CloseUp  program where he spoke specifics on healthcare, or to Ovide’s studio visit during our MTNP radio program [download podcast here] and his speech given Saturday in Nashua, peppered with references to the Constitution and liberty and freedom. What was the NRSC thinking when they made their pick? How long before they will admit buyer’s remorse in the face of the truly excellent opportunities afforded in the announced potential alternatives of Mahoney and LaMontagne? Is it time to send the supposed savior of the NH’s Republican team down to the minors for some needed rehab?


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