2nd CongressionalDistrict Representative (and aspiring US Senator) Democrat Paul Hodes continues his elusive ways as he seeks to avoid getting "whacked" by angry constituents. From the NHGOP:
Embattled Congressman Won’t Hold Traditional, Face-To-Face Meeting With Voters
CONCORD – The Union Leader (9/2) reports that Paul Hodes announced today that he will not hold traditional New Hampshire-style town hall meetings with voters during the Congressional Recess. Instead, he will host contrived, restricted “forums” that are not “fully open to the public.”
“Paul Hodes has let down New Hampshire by refusing to hold a single face-to-face town hall meeting on health care during the Congressional recess,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “His failure to meet with his constituents in an open and unrestricted format shows that he is out of touch with New Hampshire traditions and values.”
Democrat State Party Chairman Ray Buckley blasted the idea of health care “forums” in a statement released on Monday. Buckley erroneously criticized Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta for holding a “forum” instead of a “real town hall.” According to the Portsmouth Herald (8/31), Guinta actually hosted a traditional, unrestricted New Hampshire-style town hall meeting instead of the phony forums that Congressman Hodes is planning.
“We agree with Chairman Buckley. A forum is not a ‘real town hall,’ and if Paul Hodes was actually serious about hearing from New Hampshire voters he would host open and unrestricted meetings,” said Williams.