Democrats always tell you who they fear. They can’t help it. It is likely why Donald Trump is so damn popular. The American Political left has been on a jihad against him and, much like the Mullahs in Iran, would burn the whole world to save it. So, to hear them talk about Mike Johnson, he’s probably good for America.
Margaret Sullivan, who writes for UK Guardian USA, doesn’t care for him at all, which – as noted above – is a ringing endorsement for better days, or at least not quite as increasingly worse. Johnson has a slim majority, won’t be able to get anything through the Democrat Senate, and may only be in the role becasue the RINOs and Dems plan to use his conservative agenda against Republicans in the 2024 elections.
It’s Mike Johnson of Louisiana who, as one example of his profound insuitability, brags that he doesn’t believe that human beings cause climate change, though his home state has been ravaged by it. He is against abortion, voted against aid to Ukraine and stridently opposes LGBTQ+ rights.
Translated, he sees climate fraud for what it is, thinks killing babies is murder, doesn’t like laundering money to elites through Ukraine, and won’t support extra-constitutional rights for alleged victim class groups.
Sullivan also spends too much time pandering to the left’s narratives about electing a speaker. She uses words like chaos, arrogance, and appalling. She’s concerned that Johnson will overturn the election results in 2024. It’s like a buffet of leftwing bullish!t and an amusing read if you can stand it. But there are more holes in it than the average leftwing excuse for Biden family corruption.
The current US House is a very progressive institution. There are enough Democrats and RINOs to prevent anything remotely like liberty from happening in America anytime soon. By which, I mean Congress rolling something back or getting out of the way.
Johnson can make a difference. While he can’t get the squishy GOP middle to agree on anything they’d like to make the Senate kill for the optics, he can insist that the budget process be followed properly – something we’ve not seen this century if I recall. And if he does it right, a straight up or down vote on clean appropriations bills by department, it will be difficult for Democrats to do anything but look bad when they piss and moan about them not being pork-filled omnibus beasts.
Any funding locked up by this caterwauling can be laid at the Democrat’s feet and no other. If done correctly.
Johnson could also insist on a little more red meat from the various investigations underway and use the power of Congress and the US House to strongarm Biden’s bureaucrats into following the law or seeing their funding held hostage. If he does it right, the progressives will need to defend things most Americans don’t like or regulations that make their lives more difficult.
I’m not expecting that. I know better. But card-carrying Libs pretending to be journalists are unhappy about Mike Johnson, so he must be better than the others and the best choice we could make.
If you need more evidence, check this out.
MSNBC, which spent 3 years denying the 2016 election, is losing their minds that @RepMikeJohnson similarly expressed doubts about the 2020 election
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 25, 2023