Tucker Carlson on the Speaker Kerfuffle in the US House – “It Should Be Hard to Become Speaker of the House”

I’ve weighed in on this US House Speaker thingamabob at NHJournal and on these pages, and I’m not in the minority. Not among Groksters or rank-and-file Republicans. It’s not only not embarrassing, but most don’t believe McCarthy should be the House Speaker. This means they are standing with the holdouts in Congress or at least the idea of them.

Business as usual is not unusual, this is, and it’s got people paying attention to something that typically happens with a wink and a nod and barely any media.

My take, and you can read it or reread it here, can be summed up like this. “Remember the rules. Whatever the Dems and the media are saying, the opposite is often the case.” And,


Washington needs to change. This is just a snapshot of what that should look like. A handful of holdouts refuse to budge on something in principle even if it means nothing else gets done, which is a win when it comes to Washington.”


If you watch machine-controlled media, this is a disaster (Tucker has a bunch of clips that give you the flavor of their narrative). It, therefore, must be the opposite.


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Washington likes what Washington likes becasue it is good for the politicians and bureaucrats who work there. And I’m sure the Machine has the FBI building dossiers as we speak on those who dared to do in DC what they told the people back home they would do if they elected them.

I wonder how many said they’d not go for McCarthy as Speaker but have. That sounds like a better story to me. Until then, Tucker Carlson has some thoughts and that Lefty outrage montage I mentioned. There’s also a nice clip with Machine Stooge Jonah Goldberg, who was good before someone tattoed never-trump on his brain stem back in 2016. I’ll never buy another one of his books.

So it’s all fun and games until someone stands up on principle, so here’s Tucker.





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