We the unions

This State Takes the Janus Ruling and Free Speech Rights Seriously

Janus vs. AFSCME made it illegal for unions to take fees without consent. Many states responded by assuming consent or the implementation of opt-out programs. Alaska has gone and done this right.

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Skip AFP Janus vs AFSCME

One Year Anniversary of Janus vs AFSCME – Supreme Court: “No, unions not entitled to your money”

I was in Manchester yesterday morning for a meeting at the Americans for Prosperity/NH office.  During the meeting, it came out that the one year anniversary was happening and that if anyone had anything to say, well, we’d be happy to video it.  Not being used to being in front of the camera, and having … Read more

This Should Be Illegal – Unions Use Taxpayer Funded Payroll Systems to collect Money for Partisan Political Purposes

We need to challenge how and why it is permissible for unions to use taxpayer-funded public resources (payroll systems) to collect union Dues or other political donations directly from public union employee paychecks.

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Tweet of the Day – Week – Ever? on Unions Vs Right to Work?

Fellow Grokster(ette?) Susan Olsen dropped this into our email this morning.  No, not ‘the royal ‘Our’ as in the royal ‘we,’ as in ‘We are not amused.’  I mean “Our” as in our Grok group email.  Anyway, this hits it out of the park on Michigan and Right to Work, and the Unions and Democrats and Obama (oh, My!), or anyone for that matter,  squawking about benefits for those who accept the choice to not have to pay dues…

Union Benefits in a Right to Work state vs Govt benefits
This guy is officially Our hero.  I am embarrassed that We didn’t think of it first.

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Labor Department Report Reveals Billions in Additional Union Political Activity

From 2006 to 2011, Unions in the United States spent $4.4 Billion dollars on political activity, $3.3 Billion more than typically advertised.  This astounding number comes from the Center for Responsive Politics, which collected data from a set of obscure annual reports that Unions are required to file with the Department of Labor regarding detailed … Read more

Starve A Union Save A Teacher

SEIU Union ThuggeryThe state has no right to come between the union and its workers right?  Well I think I agree, because we now know how that works out.

Wisconsin Teachers no longer have their union dues deducted from their pay checks.  They have to either sign up for automatic payments through their bank or write a check to the union each month.  Given how the anti-Walker protests went, or at least how they were portrayed, this should not have been a problem for the union.  You know, workers unite and all that Jazz?  Well reality is quite a bit different from the media adaption of the Union talking points we saw on television.  The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), the state education union, is laying off 40% of its staff in response to dwindling revenue.  But why?  What happened to workers unite?  Where did all the union protesters go?  Home to their own states is my guess.

Given the "choice" to support the Wisconsin education unions activities, many teachers have stopped paying dues and union staff have been laid off as a result.  So Wisconsin’s teachers just gave 42 state union employees their walking papers because they would rather keep the money for themsleves than give it to the WEAC.

The union is blaming Governor Walker and the Republicans but for what?  There’s no law against paying dues and the state is no longer coming between the union and its workers.  Kyle Olson at Big Government brings home the bacon…

If the union has anyone to blame, it has to be its rank-and-file members. Teachers have apparently been slow to provide WEAC with bank account information for direct dues payments, despite the teams of “home visitors” that have been dispatched to pressure members over the summer.

That situation says more about the union than it does about Walker or state government. If teachers really supported their union, they would pay their dues. If they don’t support their union, should they be forced to be members and pay dues?

(…)The suspicion is that WEAC is really nothing more than a small group of radical leaders who have been forcing captive members to finance their agenda for years.

Big protest, and we had one similar in New Hampshire, but what were they really protesting?

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