Totalitarianism on Display

Totalitarianism on Display

The Democrat Majority in the New Hampshire House of Representatives has put totalitarianism on display for all to see. Thankfully, they’re only able to show it in the small body of 400. We have a firewall in between their desire for total control and the general populace. Hopefully they’ve also shown the Republican caucus, who … Read more

Quick Thought: HB 1319 – asked and answered

hb1319womanhoodAs to Gov. Chris “Supporting the Democrat Agenda Identity Group politics against the NH GOP” in signing HB1319, I was asked earlier today:

Where do you stand?

Answer:  It demands coerced speech and behavior from those that do not believe that a man can simply announce that he is a woman and MUST refer to him as such (contra our lying eyes). It now sets up transgenders as a whole as yet another special interest group, another “protected class” that now has “elevated” privileges not available to the general public.  With Sununu’s signature of Friday, they have risen to the top of the Progressive Identity Totem Pole ranking at least for the weekend (as that ranking seems to change every few minutes than a pachinko ball changes its direction; said ranking seems to be in constant flux based on the “political opportunity” at hand and it is their club.).

It also places half the population, females, into a lowered status physically; the two examples are from Connecticut and Texas where trans girls winning girls’ state championships simply because they announced they are now girls and not boys. What is the fairness in that? Is it the goal, for Political Correctness / Cultural Marxism reasons, to wipe out any commonsense differences between the two sexes?  After all, you can’t call it a “social construct” on one hand and “Patriarchy” on the other at the same time.

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