Well, given the performance of the former NH Congressmen, can’t say I blame him

By that, we supposedly put two Republican mens’ butts into US House Representatives chairs with one and only one main major mission – cut the spending.  Each time a Continuing Resolution showed up that could have stopped the national madness that has been adding to the National debt, they folded on their promises and folded on the courageous vote to stand athwart the gunnels of our sinking financial ship and scream “No further!”.

True, the Senate never passed a budget – but now they are crafting one.  Yet, have Republicans learned their lesson about the debt ceiling?   McCain is trotting out the “Trust us, we’re Republicans!” and being emphatic that Republicans will deal honestly with Democrats over the Budget.  Been there, done that, see above. Maybe Establishment Republicans believe that no R can do no wrong (after all, Gene Chandler set the policy here in NH “Any Republican that helps us regain power is a good Republican“).  We cannot agree with McCain.  We at the ‘Grok believe that Trust is first earned – it HAS to be earned for if it is merely given, it will be first be taken advantage of and then abused.  It takes very little to lose earned Trust – to maintain Trust demands Consistency within Principles – not an attitude that “something must be or has to be done”.  It is that latter ‘tude that has given us our $16 Trillion deficit.  How’s that gonna work out for our kids’ children, eh?

US Senator Ted Cruz (R-AZ) has it exactly right (emphasis mine):

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Blogline of the Day: Reagan brought it down in Germany – Is Obama rebuilding it here?

ABC NEWS TEAM SHADOWED BY ARMED GUARDS: Has An Iron Curtain Descended On The Cincinnati IRS Office? Does a Free Country so severely control a Free Press?  Last time I knew, no. We are often told, when we object to more Governmental intrusion, “If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about!”.  … Read more

Clarification: the emails that have been going out from “OccupyNHGOP”? Nope, not me and not us

I really can’t believe I really gotta do this, but I guess I hafta:

We are NOT “OccupyNHGOP@gmail.com

Since the details of the on-g0ing Battle for the NH GOP Bank Accounts were reported to me and I’ve been posting them, someone else has been sending out mass emails from an email address called “OccupyNHGOP@gmail.com” to what seems to be ALL of the State Committee Members.  Often, the emails have links back to posts that ARE on GraniteGrok.  I have read them and so have the other Groksters who are also State Committee Members.  A guessing game has ensued as to who OccupyNHGOP really is (just like we do with our prodigious, and sometimes grammar stretching, commenter C.dog.e.dog).  We still don’t know in either case.

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Do I REALLY have to explain this one?

Right – if those two headlines don’t get your blood rushing, you just don’t care. As the Dad of two combat vets, who put their lives on the line for this country, my blood boiled when I saw that active military have had their education cut short while those that shouldn’t even be here – … Read more


Just surfing around a few days ago and I came across this over at RedState: Why Should a Lady Own a Gun … ?  Now, most of it was interesting (kinda, to a point) but what caught my eye was this at the end: Finally, owning a gun exercises an Amendment Right. It is a … Read more

Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 – Senator Diane Feinstein’s push to disarm the United States

She unveiled her renewed Assault Weapon Ban that not only is going to hurt two vibrant companies here in NH (are you listening Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) – Sturm Ruger and Sig Sauer – but effectively render civilians unable to defend themselves in a multi-person home invasion.

“We have tried to learn from the bill. We have tried to recognize legal hunting rights. We have tried to recognize legal defense rights. We have tried to recognize the right of a citizen to legally possess a weapon. No weapon is taken from anyone. The purpose is to dry up the supply of these weapons over time. Therefore, there is no sunset on this bill,”

Once again, we see a Progressive MORE than willing to punish law-abiding citizens as if they were criminals. No mention of the REAL reason for the Second Amendment – self-protection against a tyrannical government (as Progressives cannot even begin to fathom that their policies will end up as such as they are eroding individual Liberty and Freedom.  After all, as US Senator Schumer (or was it Durbin?) said “this isn’t about the Constitution”.

Of course not, it never is, is it?

The bill has not yet hit Thomas (it was supposed to be filed and online today) but here are some details.  The list of banned firearms are after the jump.  The Low Points:

  • Manufacture, transfer, or importation of new assault weapons
  • What is an assault rifle (redefining a real military term)?  Detachable magazine.  One of the following military features:
    • pistol grip
    • forward grip
    • adjustable, detachable or folding stock
    • barrel shroud
    • threaded barrel
    • grenade or rocket launcher
  • And yes, we now have a NEW “weenie legislator legal term” – an “assault pistol“: detachable magazine.  One of the following military features:
    • barrel shroud
    • threaded barrel
    • second pistol grip
    • accepting of a mag other than via the one allowed pistol grip
    • semi-automatic (if this is a “copy” of an automatic version)

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US Progressive Senator Diane Feinstein – Yup, she’s got confiscation in her bill. Gun removal by regulation.

At the Corner, a snippet of an interview with Samuel L. Jackson

 Q: This movie has a fair amount of gun violence and can be a bit flippant about it. Does that give you pause in the wake of what happened in Connecticut?

 A: I don’t think movies or video games have anything to do with it. I don’t think [stopping gun violence] is about more gun control. I grew up in the South with guns everywhere, and we never shot anyone. This [shooting] is about people who aren’t taught the value of life.”

 It seems that Progressives like Diane Feinstein have not understood that simple phrase.  The problems that we see in mass murders (or single murders, or any other crime committed against another) is either one of a mental illness (who shoots their Mom or defenseless little kids as in Newtown?), or the latest where that previously incarcerated oldster (for killing his mom with a hammer) proclaimed “do what I do best – kill people – just plain black as night Evil.  Or those that simply wish what others have for either the reasons of “I want what they have” and justify it with “they don’t need it” (just like Progressives / Liberals / Democrats) – its about control.

Diane Feinstein combines that latter part, control, with another.  That is, Progressives so untrust their fellow citizens, they feel that they have the mandate to take away “all the toys” because we, the “unprogressed”, “uncivilized”, “uneducated”, stubborn, selfish, should-be-demonized ungrown-up child-citizen should not be allowed to have guns simply because those things either 1) insult their sensibilities (as guns do) or 2) have a longer range motive in mind.

As to #1, if “we” won’t cooperate and compromise with the Progressives as they head us from being the Land of the Free to that of the Land of We Submitted to Despotism, they will keep at changing the laws and changing the regulations to enforce their way to their Utopian version of Freedom (“you are free to do what we allow you to do – it’s not just for the common good but it’s good for you too – you’ll see!).   Yes, it was enable citizens to protect themselves and their families at a personal level.

And more; from Soldier Systems comes this retweet:

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Trust and Safety in New Hampshire

Here are two pull quotes from the New Hampshire Union Leader that I wanted to share.  One is about trust, the other about safety.  I think you’ll find them…interesting.

In an article on 2013 LSR H-0451 regarding a proposed change to the right to know law, New Hampshire House Democrat Majority Leader Steve Shurtleff, D-Penacook, said of local elected officials having more opportunities for private executive sessions meeting out of public view…

“At some point, you have to trust these officials not to abuse it,.”

Now that is funny, right there, I don’t care who you are.


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Notable Quote – Erick Erickson

“Choice for Republicans involves trusting the American people to handle their affairs and retirement. Choice for Democrats involves only the option to kill children, with everything else pre-packaged in one size fits all government bureaucracy.” – Erick Erickson, founder of RedState.com

Internet Doodlings – GUESS WHAT! There’s a Timothy Horrigan that lives over at TreeHugger.

You know, I am glad that Timothy Horrigan does come over and read here at the ‘Grok – and comments as well.  He’s one of the few “Liberals” that does so, so I’ll give him kudos for trying hard.  I just wish that his comments were a bit more on topic and not just deflections that might be technically correct but not really making a point that is “tracking” the discussion.  However, it seems that “Luke” is a simulacrum over at my favorite haunt where Watermelon Environmentalists meet True Believer Environmentalists and fairly nary a Freedom that can’t be dismissed lives.

ClimateGate, where hackers obtained (stole?) hundreds of megabytes of emails, code and data – often showing that the code was GIGO, the data so mauled over for “homogenization” that it was all but worthless, and the main characters in promulgating Global Warming (now climate change, following the lead of Progressives / Liberals / Progressives / Pragmatists that learn they the make toxic every word they try to abscond from common parlance) participating in avoiding all kinds of FOIA and RTK demands.  It basically was the beginning of the end to the facade of GW / CC, regardless of the 50, 000 UN / NGO / VIP / Pandering Politicians junket goers that traipse around the Globe pontificating grand designs and documents (while really just enjoying the 5 Star hotels and incredible edibles and SWAG bags).

So, Brian Merchant wrote a post that ClimateGate was a “hack that was a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated attack”  whose point was not that it was an inside job as has been commonly thought but done by outsiders.  Fair enough – and he elicited comments from the readers: who?

Well, ‘Grok commenter C.Dog e.dog took up the challenge with a whack of “Do you know who I am in the Ivory Tower-ism” with the usual snark and hyperbole:

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Newt at Ovide’s May 25, 2011

At Ovide Lamontagne’s home last night Newt Gingrich gave a classic Newt talk to about 75 guests and about 10 representatives of the media.      
He made fairly brief introductory remarks, took about 15 – 20 questions from guests and about five from the media.  Then he walked around meeting people and answering questions individually.  As far as I could tell everyone had a chance to meet and ask Newt their questions.    

Newt demonstrated his unparalleled knowledge of the issues, reminded us of his record of spending cuts and welfare reform as Speaker of the House, and demonstrated self confidence based on his time fighting the fight and his years of observation, investigation, and consideration of our nation’s problems. 


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