You know, I am glad that Timothy Horrigan does come over and read here at the ‘Grok – and comments as well. He’s one of the few “Liberals” that does so, so I’ll give him kudos for trying hard. I just wish that his comments were a bit more on topic and not just deflections that might be technically correct but not really making a point that is “tracking” the discussion. However, it seems that “Luke” is a simulacrum over at my favorite haunt where Watermelon Environmentalists meet True Believer Environmentalists and fairly nary a Freedom that can’t be dismissed lives.
ClimateGate, where hackers obtained (stole?) hundreds of megabytes of emails, code and data – often showing that the code was GIGO, the data so mauled over for “homogenization” that it was all but worthless, and the main characters in promulgating Global Warming (now climate change, following the lead of Progressives / Liberals / Progressives / Pragmatists that learn they the make toxic every word they try to abscond from common parlance) participating in avoiding all kinds of FOIA and RTK demands. It basically was the beginning of the end to the facade of GW / CC, regardless of the 50, 000 UN / NGO / VIP / Pandering Politicians junket goers that traipse around the Globe pontificating grand designs and documents (while really just enjoying the 5 Star hotels and incredible edibles and SWAG bags).
So, Brian Merchant wrote a post that ClimateGate was a “hack that was a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated attack” whose point was not that it was an inside job as has been commonly thought but done by outsiders. Fair enough – and he elicited comments from the readers: who?
Well, ‘Grok commenter C.Dog took up the challenge with a whack of “Do you know who I am in the Ivory Tower-ism” with the usual snark and hyperbole:
Gee, why wouldn’t a top-flight climate research institute want to expose all their high-falutin’ contemplations to sum “Fresh Air”? Are they so complex that only the Scientist Priesthood should be the ones to view and interpret hallowed texts? Aren’t these Scientists only concerned with Truth, Justice, and the Amerikan Way? Thank ironical God for Russian data server.
– C. dog preys often upon higher powers
And then the “Timothy of TreeHugger”, a chap by the name of “Luke” decided to go after C. Dog and put up the deflections:
Do you publish the contents of your hard drive to the internet openly and freely? No. So why should CRU have to? It was sets of private emails, both unorganized and raw data, and other materials that served no purpose to the outside community.
Anyway, the CRU scientists were acquitted of any wrongdoing by an inquiry. 8 times over.
If you want access to raw global climate data, take a look at the BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) project. Funded by the Koch brothers, I might add!
If all else fails, make it personal and throw in a Koch Brother reference! Well, given that part of our About contains ” fly to the aid of rock-ribbed freedom loving and liberty seeking / leaning folk”, I had to pitch in, as what this cabal has done is to encourage
Au contraire, mon frere! Their prophecies have been used by many to suggest, demand, and partially implement wide spread changes in other peoples’ lifestyles that would ordinarily go untouched. Since it has been seen that some of the books were cooked, it DOES matter! You think that the Carbon taxes, emphasis on killing off fossil fuels, and demands for high density living would be happening otherwise?
Add to it – if taxpayers paid for it, it is owed to us. Those emails implicated a deniel of both American and English Right to Know requests – if the data was “harmless”, then why the obfuscations, delays, and denials to release them?
Thanks for Lord that the hockey stick was shown to be GIGO
And Luke left the field of battle; I’m wondering if C. Dog did a red cape job and slammed him into the Dog”s doghouse for the duration of that thread.
We expect scientists, even though they are as fallen as the rest of us, to be more objective and “above the political fray” in their subject domains than the rest of us. Yet, their hypothesises have created much capital to be wasted in their all too human greed for fame and for more of the coin of their realm – grants, labs, and titles. For once, they were the Masters of Impending Doom – Ivory Tower Academics that were actually taken seriously by others in High Places on a regular basis.
Too bad; they didn’t understand that with that, Trust was granted to that status and treated it no better than the undergrad lab rats that did the skutwork.