Guest post by NH State Senator Ray White on HB437 (the bill to repeal homosexual marriage here in NH):
My email is running 10-1 against the marriage bill. When I get those emails, here is my response, which usually gets me a very ugly, hateful reply:
“Unfortunately, I have to disagree with your email. I must state up front that I am against same-sex marriage, civil unions, or any other relationship that is not traditional marriage as it was understood for the entire history of the human race, at least until the last few years.
Marriage is a special institution that all previous generations understood to be between a man and a woman. There has never been a society, a culture, a country, or a people that defined it any differently until very recent history. Although the argument has been made that my viewpoint is a religious understanding of marriage, the fact of the matter is that even so-called “pagan” or other types of nonreligious cultures have also agreed on this definition throughout history. This is because marriage is about the fundamental building block of society, and it has always been understood as so, regardless of religious beliefs.
It has been only in recent years that the notion has been put forth that marriage needs to be redefined and broadened. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is unbelievable that after thousands and thousands of years of human history, that we think we can turn our backs on this fundamental truth and still prosper as a society. It is complete hubris to believe that we are smarter than the billions upon billions of people who have gone before us. I refuse to subscribe to this thinking. I reject the notion that this type of thinking is discriminatory. It is simply a factual clearheaded statement of right and wrong.
I believe that the breakdown of the traditional family has been a huge detriment to society, producing incredible social ills that government now finds itself unsuccessfully wrestling with to correct and mitigate. It began several decades ago with the general acceptance of divorce, and has proceeded to the general acceptance of producing children without the benefit of marriage and commitment, where fathers are now optional sperm donors, and now to the topic we find ourselves discussing in this e-mail. It is no coincidence that everything I am describing has happened simultaneously, i.e. the rethinking and redefinition of marriage and the social crumbling of society at large.
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