Alternate Title: So, what’s the difference between “bailouts” for forestry and “bailouts” for Government schools? None – they both raise taxes and benefit only a few.
Tom Thomson
Hey, Tom “Axe the Tax” Thomson – No one OWES You a Living!
I know I’ve blogged about the biomass bill, HB183, several times in the past. The bill in which Government would dictate that we pay higher electric rates to subsidize a marketplace engaged in Crony Capitalism to sustain itself.
Gov Sununu votes for the Free Market, NH State Senators Guida and Starr – Not so Much
In essence, that’s what both Bob Guida and David Starr are saying in this report on HB183. Yet they are claiming that they are Republicans in affiliation – and holding the second-highest elected office in NH (being State Senators).
“Eversource balks at state law ordering it to buy wood power”
“The battle over biomass is far from over. Eversource now says it will not purchase power from the state’s wood-burning power plants despite a state law requiring such purchases, unless it is ordered to do so by the Public Utilities Commission. The decision by the state’s largest utility, revealed in a Dec. 4 filing with the PUC, … Read more
The difference between Socialism and Capitalism?
This Facebook comment left on my Notable Quote post on Capitalism being a moral system earned the right to be promoted – best explanation of socialism vs capitalism!
One reason Capitalism is superior, maybe the primary reason, is because it treats people better than Socialism. In Socialism, everyone is either a resource and/or just another mouth to feed…a burden. I’d rather be treated as a customer with others trying to figure out how to best satisfy my needs.
And this is exactly the point that most people miss – the whole point of the supply side of Capitalism is NOT to steal your money and be greedy rich – it doesn’t work that way even as the Left (and the MSM) try to portray it that way. They always seem to miss two very important points:
Quick Thought: Not so much “free market”, eh Tom, when you want others to pay for “weeding your garden”?
So, Tom Thomson (son of Gov. Thomson of “low spending yields low taxes” fame) who for years was the honorary chair of AFP-NH which argues for Free Markets, has decided to go the Full Monty and arguing that electric rate payers (that would be you and I) should pay for his timber to be cut (e.g., override the biomass vetoes by Gov Sununu on SB 446 and SB 365 which would promulgate the over $2 Billion overcharges to keep the North Country Biomass subsidies for electrical generation plants that turn crap wood into overpriced electricity). Sure, Free Market until it comes to be “get me some” and have Government continue to institute a undeserved and mandated “tax” on the rest of us:
Tom Thomson, a timberland owner of 2,600 acres and the conservative son of former Gov. Mel Thomson, spoke at the event in favor of overriding the veto. “You have to weed your garden if you want healthy vegetables,” Thomson said. “It’s the same thing with forests.”
Hey, go weed your own dang garden, Tom, and leave my wallet alone. If you have any intellectual honesty at all, stop privatizing your profits and socializing your risk. You can’t find folks to buy your timber? Too bad – that’s the risk of being in business: reward AND failure. To paraphrase the line in your Op-Ed in the Concord Monitor: