Grammar is hard. It’s harder if you’re a hoplophobe.

  Letter: Gun sellers are profiting off the coronavirus panic – Posted Mar 20, 2020 at 5:56 PM March 18 — To the Editor: In our time of health crisis, much outrage has been directed towards the people in this country who stockpiled hand sanitizers, face masks, cleaning supplies and the like. The scorn they receive is well deserved, … Read more

Toilet paper roll no toilet paper

If You Hate Toilet Paper, You Will Love Socialism

Ah, the lure of socialism, and all its attached psychopathic political theories. “Socialism is sexy,” says a young fella on a liberal cable show. “MSNBC’s Chris Hayes took to Twitter to lecture us about the “least sexy part of socialism,” adding that it’s grounded in “effective, efficient bureaucratic administration but the project lives or dies … Read more

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