“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy itself has outsold the Encyclopedia Galactica because it is slightly cheaper, and because it has the words ‘DON’T PANIC’ in large, friendly letters on the cover.” Yes, this also applies to the Coronavirus. Just ask someone who has had it and lived!
That will be 99% of people plus. Their advice is simple. Assuming you are not one of the few at high risk, it’s just the flu.
I realize it’s a strange time to revisit Don’t Panic (again, we’ve said it before) with school closing and events canceled. And after some thought, maybe that’s not a bad idea. This flu does spread quickly, and it can be fatal to older folks, those with respiratory issues, and the very young. That and, it will be debilitating for several days.
If waves of the US workforce are all going to be home and sick for days or weeks, then we might as well do that anyway and see if we can keep it from getting the vulnerable folks.
But back to the survivors.
Elizabeth Schneider, from Seattle, picked it up at a party in February.
If your symptoms aren’t life-threatening, simply stay at home, medicate with over-the-counter medicines, drink lots of water, get a lot of rest and check out the shows you want to binge-watch.”
Next up is Diamond Princess passenger, Jerri Jorgensen, 67 years old, who was infected while in Japan. “The one question she had? Why are people buying all that toilet paper? “All the toilet paper being gone — I don’t get the toilet paper.”
My case was I had a slight fever the night before they took me off the cruise ship — very slight, it wasn’t even 100 degrees,” Jorgensen told “Fox & Friends. “Felt a little bit off for about two to three hours and that was my only symptom throughout the whole time — the whole quarantine up to now.”
As speculated elsewhere the reaction or overreaction (entirely driven by the partisan political press) may result in there being fewer fatal cases of normal flu, if there’s any such thing to be had.
It sounds like Coronavirus is the Flu this year. People may have had it and never known. You know, like ordinary flu. Which is what this is, it just seems to be more contagious – a great feature for a virus but not for the health of high-risk individuals. So, we take precautions.
That does not mean clearing the shelves of toilet paper. I know, too late.
| RedState