Paperboard food container

Replacing Single-Use Plastic with Single-Use Paper Is Worse for The Planet™

Democrats everywhere have a list of things. Once elected, appointed, or hired into the bureaucracy, the job is to check the boxes even if they make no sense or contradict the stated policy goal. And none of them make any sense, and all of them contradict the advertised outcome.

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Ann Kuster, Democrats wearing the party's traditional racist colors

Ann Kuster: Scared to Stand up to Pelosi – Has no Issue Crossing the People of New Hampshire

Representative Ann Kuster has been doing a lot of lamenting on her Facebook page (of late) about the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and its lack of passage. A problem she has been putting squarely in the president’s lap.

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NH Senate Predictably Votes to Kill Productive Jobs to Save Unproductive Jobs

Most of the North Country in New Hampshire is between 3 and 5% unemployment. Without the ‘city’ of Berlin dragging them down at 4.9%, the regional average would be between 3-4%. Not that bad. But this, according to the NH Senate, is an employment crisis.

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Did the Legislature Inadvertently Kill Off Biomass Energy in the Granite State?

The NH legislature crafted a scheme to force power companies to buy energy from biomass plants. To “save jobs.” But Biomass plants are closing. Jobs lost. Why? Busy-body legislators.

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