Ilhan Omar and her White Sugar Daddy

Ilhan Omar Makes ‘White Devil’ Boyfriend ‘Husband’ Number Three (or is it Four?)

Homewrecker Ilhan Omar, having successfully paid her own Dowry to “political consultant – boyfriend” Tim Mynett, has married him and announced their joyful union on social media. 

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Ilhan Omar Has Now Paid Her White Devil Boyfriend’s Firm Over a Half Million Dollars

Homewrecker Ilhan Omar currently under scrutiny for various potential acts of fraud by the FBI continues to dump campaign cash into her white lover’s “consulting Firm.” The Democrat poured another 215,000 to his business in the third quarter of 2019.

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Ilhan Omar and her White Sugar Daddy

Homewrecker Ilhan Omar Illegally Using Campaign Funds to Keep Her White Lover Close

Ilhan ‘The Homewrecker’ Omar continues to make the news. Her married, dangerous white devil, boy toy is a political consultant. Based on financial disclosures, he is getting “paid” to travel with her and ‘consult.’ I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it called that.

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Ilhan Omar and her White Sugar Daddy

Ilhan “White Guys R’ Scarier than Jihadis” Omar is Having an Affair with a White Guy

Ilhan Omar is having an affair with a married man who is white. The affair is ending his marriage, so I have to wonder. Does this fall into the category of some people who did something? Which, in this case, violates Islamic Law.

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