Did you hear about that time when the press reported Atlantic Ocean temperatures over one-hundred degrees? It was this week. The South Florida,hot tub analogy is accurate (sort of), but not the way the media sold it. The ocean bouy was in salt water, but inland, inside the barrier reef, in shallow water, at low tide.
It’s Not Getting Warmer …
NOAA predicted a drier, warmer winter in the Northeast this season. Depending on where you are, it might be warmer but not drier. From Buffalo to the Eastern Seaboard, precipitation, whether rain or snow, has been above average.
Our Enemies Won’t Be Cold If It Makes You Feel Any Better
No one likes to have their truth busted, and no one denies that better than the Climate Cult. For forty years, their models have been wrong, their predictions have not come to pass, but still, they cling (bitterly?) to their funding. Sorry, I meant “science!” and the false god named “consensus.” So this is for them.
“Pause” to Check This Out – No Global Warming for Over 7 Years …
New England has weird weather, so it’s ripe for abuse by people with a political agenda. But as we like to point out, their crusade is the fight against Global Warming rebranded as climate change as an excuse to embrace Marxist economic theory.
Data Point – Temperatures Are Heading Downward After Being Upward. They Change!
I think this chart shows what most Conservatives, even as we are painted akin to religious deniers by the Eco-Socialists, actually believe – climate changes. All the time. Epochal changes between warming periods and Ice Ages.
NPR’s Local Global-Warming Drumbeat Ignores That America has NOT Been Getting Hotter!
When it gets hot, the media reminds you about “climate change.” It’s dopey. We live in New England. If you don’t like the weather, wait. A few hours, maybe a few days. The climate will change, but that does make what happens global warming.
Global Warming Update: Greenland and Iceland Have Been Cooling for Twenty Years
It’s a good thing the Settled Science™ people unsettled their science, or this might be a problem. The 2020-2021 Winter data is updated, and the trend continues? What trend. Twenty years of steady cooling in both Greenland and Iceland.
New Study Claims Global Warming Kills Coronavirus
It’s time to roll back RGGI and tell TCI to go pound sand (again). That’s right. All the crying, screaming, and delirium over the state of nature – or more specifically the fantasy of our impact upon it and the lefts demands to mitigate that – make the Coronavirus Happy!
How NOAA Uses Fake Temperature Data to Create an Imaginary Warming Trend
To keep the taxpayer dollars flowing the climate cult has had to pull out all its best tricks. The media will print anything as fact if it advances the left’s agenda, and Climate Socialism is high on the list. So, politicized agencies willingly accommodate.