Our friends at CPR Action remind us that this week is an important one down in Concord. After all the lengthy debate and careful consideration, arm twisting and deal making… oh, wait, that’s the gay marriage process. Never mind. The big news is that this week the NH House and Senate will make final votes on a new budget. Sadly, they seemed to have put more effort into passing the gay agenda than in seeking ways to tighten the belt in these times of economic stress…
Wednesday, June 24th (June 25th has also been reserved if a majority vote is not met).
HB1 & HB2 – The budget bills. This week, the NH House and Senate will be voting on the final versions of the budget bills. HB1, the spending portion, still increases overall spending by nearly 11%. HB2, while not containing any of the "boogey man" taxes and gambling, still increases the rooms and meals tax to 9%, doubles the car registration fee, and inflates revenue estimates so that overall revenue "balances" with the spending.
CPR-Action encourages you to call your legislators to remind them that voting for any budget that increases spending by 11% is unwise and fiscally irresponsible! Why, when most families are cutting their spending, is the legislature increasing their spending of taxpayer dollars by 11%!
And of course, don’t forget the Tea Party conveniently taking place on the State House lawn about the same time legislators take up the massive spending bill…
‘It’s the Spending, Stupid!’ Rally
June 24th, 12 noon – 1pm
Don’t miss your chance to let our legislators and the Governor know that you do not approve of their reckless, out-of-control spending – it’s time to budget like our families do!