Tax Cap Alert!

by Doug

ATTENTION Franklin NH citizens:

Tonight at 7PM when you attend the public hearing at the Franklin Opera House to give input on the council’s decision to override the cap, recall what happened a while back in Woonsocket, RI when that city’s council decided they needed to issue a "fifth quarter" tax assessment:

The citizens of that fair old city in Northern Rhode Island have apparently decided that enough is enough and they weren’t going to sit by any longer and get steamrolled with yet another tax. Faced with a new "fee" on trash pickup and steep increases in water and sewer bills, the step of a supplemental tax bill was just a bridge too far. With a head of steam generated at the eleventh hour by angry business people, residential homeowners, and plain citizens, fired up by a spirited local talk radio program a few scant hours before, suddenly,


Woonsocket Tea Party

Click here to find out the end result. Perhaps Franklin can see the same? Bring those signs!


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