O Lights Another Exploding Cigar

The cunning charlatan-in-chief has once again outdone and outsmarted someone… himself.

Just last month, one of O’s schemes exploded in the faces of his voters as if they were attending an exploding cigar festival and he was the one doling out the stogies.  O promised not to raise taxes on families making under $250,000. Then, with his keen focus and acute brinksmanship, he solidified the “Bush tax cuts” for 99% percent of the people that pay income taxes (yeah, Boehner got snookered; keep telling yourself that) . That sounds good, right?  Well, wait. There’s more.  While he solidified those cuts, he simultaneously allowed taxes to go up on net to families that make under $250K, thus detonating yet another promise with the same sly agility as Wile E. Coyote.

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Forward is the New Backward

Taxes and Democrats The pledge politics lie and broad based taxesReality thy name is payroll tax cut, or more to the point the absence of same.  That’s right, the federal government will no longer be subsidizing your lifestyle.  The “holiday” is over.  They are taking back that which is theirs.  And all of our paychecks are going down as a result.

Effective January 1st the payroll tax rises from 4.2% to 6.2%.  That hits everyone.  And there is a lesson to be learned here if liberals, and people who refuse to pay attention, pay attention.  That 2% subsidy you just lost–that is what the Democrats call it when they don’t tax rich people, business owners, or oil companies, a subsidy–really is your money, just like it really does belong to everyone else who goes to work or runs a business or takes on investment risk.

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Prelude to November 2010 All Over Again?

Charles Krauthammer brings home the bacon on the White House Fiscal Cliff Deal effort to screw Republicans for nothing in return. Synopsis- Republicans are expected to detail every cut.  Democrats can just toss out a number with no details at all.  The whole deal stinks and while Obama has nothing to fear, other elected Democrats … Read more

Can Using Only Tax Increases Address The Debt Problem?

This is how I understand it.

We have $16,000,000,000,000 in debt.  We’re spending $1,000,000,000,000 more a year than we bring in, and we’ve been doing it for the last 4 years.

As a conservative, I see it as a spending problem; we simply spend more money than we have. We get the money by borrowing from our children, leaving them the debt to be paid.  But hey, I’m human; I may be wrong; I just want the debt burden lifted off of my children and future grandchildren so that they may have the life my parents afforded me, so I’m open to alternatives.

So, let’s try to tax our way out of it.  And no hodge-podge right wing loon sources; we’ll use only liberal or other non-conservative sources to get our data to address our concern. We’ll assume no cuts in spending, only raise taxes, and all else being equal.

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Another New Hampshire Myth Busted!

Thirty nine democrats voted with republicans to hold off the adjournment, but the vote fell short, leaving the tax hikes on the books as the House leaves to defend two years of excessive spending, massive debt, the democrats unpopular health care plan, the failure to utilize Pay-Go as promised, the inability to even try and form a budget, repeated ethical lapses by liberal law makers, and a host of other ills that have driven their approval rating to historical lows.

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