NH tax taxes Democrat taxes

NH Democrat Refuses to Say She Is Proud of Her Votes to Raise Your Taxes and Fees

I don’t spend much time on Twitter, but Merrimack State Rep Rosemarie Rung (It’s an attack!) had some thoughts to share. It was an opportunity to ask her to publicly stand behind her votes for new taxes or tax increases. She would not do it.

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NH tax taxes Democrat taxes

Budget Compromise Proves NH Democrats Want Economy To Tank so they Can Raise Taxes

The comprises budget signed by Gov. Sununu sucks. It spends more, and it’s got Easter eggs, more suitably named poison pills. But it’s not a total loss. It proves that New Hampshire Democrats were lying about tax hikes.

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NH tax taxes Democrat taxes

House Democrats Keep Their Promise to Tax The Crap Out of New Hampshire

Democrats are raising your taxes. I know, I know, water is wet, the sky is blue, and Democrats raise taxes. We warned New Hampshire. We have reported on some of the committee sessions that pushed out tax increases.  And this week the full House voted on five of them.

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Cartoon of the day 6-25-11

Nate Beeler- Tax hikes

Good Cop – Bad Cop

iStock Photo ImageEveryone knows Good Cop, Bad Cop. 

You have gruff and uncompromising on one side, and then someone else shows up sweet as pie.  The goal is to get something you want that they do not want to give up. 

So is Mr. Obama’s compromise on stopping a tax increase part of the good cop bad-cop formula?


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How To Win With Tax Hikes

Heritage for America

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