Kristin Ruggiero Ex-boyfriend Gets State Prison

“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.” —Buddha

Last Friday, The Union Leader’s Jim Kimble reported that #KristinRuggiero ex-boyfriend #BrendanBisbee received a 2 to 4-year state prison sentence for his role in trying to have Kristin’s ex-husband Jeff Ruggiero jailed. Amidst speculation that Bisbee might receive a suspended sentence and probation, Kristin’s mother Elizabeth “Kim” McDonald still faces charges, along with Jeff Ruggiero’s estranged brother Daniel.

Brendan Bisbee was a ten-year veteran of the Barre Massachusetts Police Department. Now, Brendan Bisbee is commorant of the New Hampshire State Prison. Bisbee received a two to four-year sentence in state prison following his October 21 conviction on five counts of perjury; for his role in the conniving, lying, and bad behavior of his ex-girlfriend Kristin Ruggiero, when he perjured himself during both the investigation and at her May 2009 trial.

Kristin Ruggiero framed her ex-husband Jeff Ruggiero, having him jailed for threats she alleged came from him.  Kristin had purchased a disposable cell phone and engineered the threats to appear as originating with Jeff Ruggiero.  The Rockingham Superior Court sentenced Kristin to 7 to 14-years in State Prison for her falsifications.

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“Hell Hath no fury like a woman scorned…”—unknown

The Supreme Court rejected Kristin Ruggiero’s appeal yesterday Morning. Thereafter, Kristin was found in the throes of a seizure and transported to Catholic Medical Center in Manchester where she was pronounced dead.

Some speculate her death to be suicide, while other morons are doing what they usually do: Pointing fingers of blame at DOC. None will know what the nature of her death is until the State Medical Examiner releases his findings. Meanwhile, the armchair warriors and commentators weighing in at the Union Leader on Line versionoffer their, “two cents,” alleging facts, suppositions and allegations contained nowhere in the article.

I have been writing about this case for over a year, following it closely. Kristin Ruggiero was perhaps the most dangerous woman in New Hampshire. In my entry on 12/22/10 on I detailed as follows:

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“Liars are always ready to take oaths.” —Vittorio Alfieri


Brendan Bisbee, love interest of the infamous shrew Kristin Ruggiero is presently on trial
answering to seven counts of Perjury where prosecutors allege he lied for Kristin during her trial. Also under indictment are Elizabeth “Kim” McDonald, Kristin’s mother, Daniel Ruggiero, Chief Petty Officer Jeffrey Ruggiero’s estranged brother and of course, Kristin has been re-indicted following her trial on twenty-one new counts consisting of witness tampering, four counts;  falsifying evidence, three counts;  Solicitation/Perjury, four counts;  Perjury, six counts and,  Unsworn Falsification, four counts. Shrew Kristin pal, Sharon Cohen who testified at trial, also faces legal exposure, but has yet to be indicted.

Aside from the obvious “Midas Touch: of sorts Kristin seems to possess, that is, those who get tangled up in Kristin’s web of manipulation would be well-served to have legal counsel retained. People who take up with Kristin inevitably face legal exposure.

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William Jasmin: A Man Without A Hunting License

“Lawyers spend a great deal of their time shoveling smoke.”  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.”


In my previous entry about a “Hunter” who was seriously injured when a tree stand that he climbed into collapsed, causing him to fall, there was a presumption that the “Hunter” was lawfully engaged in the activity of hunting upon the land of Charles Corliss. That is not the case. WILLIAM JASMIN HAD NO LICENSE TO HUNT.

On Wednesday, July 13, I went to the New Hampshire Fish & Game Licensing Division and filled out the form, N.H. FISH AND GAME DEPARTMENT INFORMATION REQUEST .  “The information requested was not found” was how the form was returned.

This morning’s, Concord Monitor featured a story entitled, “Hunter falls from tree, sues property owner” where in that story Jasmin’s attorney B.J. Branch admits that  Jasmin was drinking the day of the accident and he tells the monitor, “[w]as at or below the legal limit for intoxication. He added that because of Jasmin’s serious blood loss, the blood alcohol test may not have been accurate…”

But all of that aside, other questions arise. For example, N.H. RSA 635:2 (Criminal Trespass) states in part, “A person is guilty of criminal trespass if, knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any place…”

RSA 214:1(License Required) states in part, “No person, except as hereinafter provided, shall at any time fish, hunt, trap, shoot, pursue, take or kill…[w]ild animals in this state, without first procuring a proper and valid license to do so, and then only in accordance with the terms of such license and subject to all the provisions of this title…”

When Jasmin, through his attorney filed his writ, he asserted, “On or about November 17, 2009, William Jasmin sustained serious injuries while hunting on property owned by the defendant…” Jasmin, through his attorney, made a “sworn statement that he was “hunting.”

 RSA 207:36-a (Use of Tree Stands) states in part, “No person shall erect, build or use a tree stand… [o]n land of another person that damages or destroys a tree by inserting into the tree any metallic, ceramic, or other object used as part of a ladder or observation deck, without express written permission from the property owner or designee...” Jasmin asserts he had an “invite” to use the tree stand. Chuck Corliss states he hasn’t hunted in 40 years and was not aware of the tree stand’s presence.  I believe Chuck Corliss and if the court does, then Jasmin violated yet another law. If a person hunting happens upon a tree stand and climbs into the stand…and branches have been cut, and then a Conservation Officer thereafter happens along, the C.O. is going to ask for the persons “written permission” to have a tree stand where limbs have been removed. Having no permission, a citation is inevitable.

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