Republican Primaries are Coming…

polling, pencil, checkboxThe 603 Alliance released the results of an online straw poll yesterday and overall New Hampshire’s Establishment Republicans took a beating.

Before I examine the results individually, please understand that the voting was done via email using a unique password access for each email address in the distribution list. The participants are individuals who signed up to receive email alerts and information from the 603 Alliance before the release of the poll. There was no public announcement that we planned a straw poll, so no individual knew in advance.

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The 603 Alliance Announces Straw Poll Winners

For Immediate Release
August 22, 2018
Contact: Fran Wendelboe


603 Alliance Announces Results of its Straw Poll

Concord, NH – The 603 Alliance announces the results of its straw poll conducted from August 15 – 20 for the contested New Hampshire Republican primary races for State Senate, Executive Council, and the First and Second Congressional Districts.

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic Straw Poll Results

CNHTThe annual CNT Taxpayer Reunion Picnic has a Straw poll and with it being a midterm election and the crowd being Republican/Libertarian/Conservative the results are a great litmus of who this group (Highly likely Republican primary voters) support for November.

Here are the winners of the CNHT Straw Poll

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CNHT Straw Poll

Todays annual CNHT Picnic (recorded and live streamed by GraniteGrok) comes complete with candidate speeches and a Straw Poll.  This years results are as follows. Governor Lamontagne 52% Smith 29% Babiarz 18% Others 0% NH CD-1 Guinta 57% Parent 28% Kelly 18% Others 0% NHCD-2 Bass 47% Lamare 31% Macia 13% Dziedzc 7% Dean 2%

Manchester Straw Poll Results

  CD-1 Guinta – 175 Ashooh – 59 Mahoney – 53 Bestani – 13 Bearse – 3 Parent – 1 Rondeau – 1   Senate Bender – 134 Ovide – 119 Ayotte – 59 Binnie – 13 Lemarre – 1   Governor Stephen – 181 Kimball – 96 Testerman – 12 Emiro – 6   … Read more

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