Manchester Straw Poll Results

Guinta – 175
Ashooh – 59
Mahoney – 53
Bestani – 13
Bearse – 3
Parent – 1
Rondeau – 1
Bender – 134
Ovide – 119
Ayotte – 59
Binnie – 13
Lemarre – 1
Stephen – 181
Kimball – 96
Testerman – 12
Emiro – 6
So Frank Guinta gets almost three times as many votes as his nearest competitor–and more than all of them combined.   Jim Bender hauls in a first place tally.  And John Stephen blows away the field, with close to double the Grok’s endorsed candidate Jack Kimball.  What does it mean?  It means a few folks will be claiming it doesn’t mean anything.  And maybe next week it won’t.
But then, that’s politics.

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