PART 2 – In other words, Democrat leaning Students gather to whine that everyone else isn’t paying their tuitions

Part 2 – The full fisking of that “N.H. youth fighting for college affordability“. By the time I was done reading it and writing that comment, I was mad, to be perfectly honest. The lead paragraphs (reformatted, emphasis mine): The New Hampshire Youth Table, which is made up of members from the New Hampshire Young Democrats, … Read more

In other words, Democrat leaning Students gather to whine that everyone else isn’t paying their tuitions – Part 1

This post started out as a simple comment at the Nashua Telegraph “N.H. youth fighting for college affordability“. By the time I finished reading the article and leaving this comment, I was mad as all get out.  However, because Steve is telling me to write short, this will be Part 1 and the full fisking … Read more

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