The President addresses Congress assembled! About…the DEBT BOMB.

SING it! (And watch it through to the end…to the end of…the countdown.)

Too much information: Multicultural News You May Not Want to Use

Ahem. This from It is reported that under the new Egyptian Parliament, “[H]usbands will soon be legally allowed to have sex with their dead wives – for up to six hours after their death. The controversial new law is part of a raft of measures being introduced by the Islamist-dominated parliament. It will also … Read more

I think this pretty well sums up the feeling of the Right concerning sex, contraceptives, and the tyrannical Left

(H/T: RightWingNews) And not matter HOW often the Left wants to complain, this will ALWAYS hold true.  In their eyes, sex may be a right, but they can’t repeal the laws of bio-economics either (even as they may try to avert their eyes): (H/T: RightWingNews)

Planned Parnethood Sells Sex

[Updated] –the video was pulled.  I’m looking for another copy. Sex sells, and so does selling sex.  When your core business is sex, selling sex is how you increase your market share.   Planned Parenthood sells sex, then makes money because people are having sex, and then uses their friends in the government and the media … Read more

Ask Ray & Kathy…About Incest

Question: If consensual sex (without coercion) between any two adults is a protected right, (gay sex is defended on these grounds) does the state have a right to prohibit sex between adult relatives, regardless of how closely related?

Another Plague On Marriage (and the culture..?)

Pornography is an addiction. The pleasure derived from it is neurochemical, no different than any other pharmaceutical high. Men are particularly susceptible. And the culture continues to shift towards a society where porn is like aspirin.

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The Shower Muse Asks An Important Question About the Left Wing

Shower HeadInspiration comes in strange places.  Dots connect, ideas coalesce, thoughts combine.  These kinds of events are most common for me in circumstances where it is almost impossible to write them down.  I often get revelations driving and have to pull over to write them down.  But the other morning it was in the shower.

I was getting ready to head up to the Nullify Now Tour event at SNHU in Manchester, on Saturday, when I had a thought.  It wasn’t a new thought, but somewhere between rinse, lather, and repeat what had previously been random musings got together to form a new way to present the idea and I was soaking wet with neither paper nor pencil anywhere nearby–not that I could use them in the present circumstances.

So I figured the thought was doomed.   Thousands of other things would crowd my mind, mug the thought, and leave it to die in an ally.  There it would lay slowly bleeding to death, unable to survive on the insubstantial life support of short term memory, unless I found it and resuscitated it.  

Writing it down usually allows me to preserve the thought so hours or days later, when I find it in my pants pocket while folding laundry fresh from the dryer, I can look at the pulpy looking turd with a furrowed brow and try to recall what the hieroglyphs meant when I committed them to writing.

(Sometimes the pulpy pocket turds are yellow; shout out to 3M for inventing Post-It notes.)

Well this thought must have been made of sturdy stuff.  Days later it was still alive.

So what was it?

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Should Your Public School Be Teaching Sexual Intimacy?

Diane Schneider fired the money shot heard ’round the world’ when she asked how we can teach sex education (in public schools) without terms such as orgasm, oral sex, and masturbation.

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