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But They Keep Telling Us “The Science is Settled!!!”

The Left is forever trying to pull the wool over your eyes, ears, and mouth on the subject of settled science. Sorry, Science is NEVER settled, nor is there consensus. Science works only when the data supports a given hypothesis, and then fails when someone else brings up data that shows the hypothesis, no matter … Read more

Wheel of Climate change

Climate: If The Science Is Settled, Why Do They Keep Changing It?

Remember when we had twelve years left? That was AOC who, after a bit of ribbing, claimed it was more like a joke. Climate Czar John Kerry, no less of a Marxist a**hole himself, has just announced we have nine years. He’s not joking. “[W]e have nine years left” to “avert the worst consequences” of the climate crisis.”

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Science “Unsettled” – Pot contributes to schizophrenia?

With large studies in peer-reviewed journals showing that marijuana increases the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia, the scientific literature around the drug is far more negative than it was 20 years ago. Comparing two major reports from the National Academy of Medicine, the nonprofit group that advises the federal government on health and medicine, makes … Read more

Settled Science Unsettled by NOAA Whistle-Blower

Dr. John Bates spent 40 years in meteorology and climate science, many of those years working for NOAA. In 2014, according to the UK Daily Mail, Barack Obama awarded Bates a medal for “setting new, supposedly binding standards ‘to produce and preserve climate data records’.”

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