The Left is forever trying to pull the wool over your eyes, ears, and mouth on the subject of settled science. Sorry, Science is NEVER settled, nor is there consensus. Science works only when the data supports a given hypothesis, and then fails when someone else brings up data that shows the hypothesis, no matter HOW long it was aligned with the data, no longer fits that data. REAL scientists go “Crap, hypothesis failed. We succeed only if the hypothesis dies and we think of a better matching one. Get to work, boys!”.
We’re up against another one of those “we THOUGHT we were right”. It may not be as bad as thalidomide (that was supposed to help morning sickness), but there may be an effect on your newborn years downrange:
Doctors Told Pregnant Women Tylenol Was Safe – New Research Raises Doubts
A new study suggests that fetal exposure to acetaminophen significantly increases the risk of ADHD in children, raising concerns about its safety during pregnancy.
While acetaminophen has long been considered a low-risk pain reliever for pregnant women, this research—tracking a cohort of over 300 mothers—found that children exposed to the drug had nearly double the likelihood of developing ADHD. The effect was even more pronounced in girls, though researchers are unsure why.
Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in many pain relievers such as Tylenol and NyQuil, is commonly used during pregnancy. Research shows that up to 70% of pregnant women take it to relieve pain or reduce fever. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has long considered it one of the few safe medications for pregnancy. However, the study’s findings suggest that doctors may need to reconsider its use during pregnancy.
The money line is: “we never looked at the effects of Tylenol/acetaminophen in babies in utero.”
“Acetaminophen was never evaluated for fetal exposures in relation to long-term neurodevelopmental impacts…Despite acetaminophen’s classification as low risk by regulatory agencies such as the FDA, accumulating evidence suggests a potential link between prenatal acetaminophen exposure and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes, including ADHD and ADHD autism spectrum disorder, the researchers noted.”
This next part is troubling:
The children born to these mothers were followed for 8 to 10 years. Among the women who did not use acetaminophen during pregnancy, the rate of ADHD was 9%, but for the women who used acetaminophen, the ADHD rate among their offspring was 18%.
So if acetaminophen doubles the risk, what’s causing the ADHD and autism spectrum disorder as a primary source?

And that which was safe for decades no longer is. The Science, which was “settled”, is no longer.
This was a case of “we didn’t know enough.” I can live with this (to a point).
What I can’t stand are those who use “the Science is settled” as a political cudgel. Think back just five years to the beginning of COVID—Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. What they did for the sheer Power of the moment (COVID), or any other person who has an issue to champion and a political argument to win, is lie to the rest of us. And they finally came clean and said they lied to us all.
Just because they could and thought they could get away with it.