SDGANH June 2023 Newsletter

by Skip

Well done! SDGA’s Annual General Meeting is in the History Books.

Did you know the SDGA was founded in November 2016?  We are just about seven years old!  Although we don’t have a birthday party in November, we do hold an Annual General Meeting for all our members in May.

This year, on May 13th, we were thrilled to hold the AGM in person at a very accommodating and comfortable venue in Concord.  Thank you to the Granite State Baptist Church for once again making its beautiful facilities available to us.

  • Eighteen members gathered to hear our president, Eric Pauer, discuss our accomplishments and future legislative initiatives the SDGA would like to promote and/or support.
  • Board member Robert Chase shared with us his amazing journey starting a new charter school, the Seacoast Classical Academy. His co-founder is another SDGA member, Tim Galitski. They plan to open in September 2024 for 330+ students.
  • We also had the pleasure of hearing Ian Underwood talk about his provocative and unique perspective on education fairness. His book is available on Amazon: Rethinking Fairness in Education.
  • SDGA members can see the slide decks of these AGM presentations on the private members’ page of

Every annual meeting must have elections for expiring board positions. This year, members elected three new board members.

  • Bill Smith from Atkinson is stepping into the Treasurer’s role for two years, taking up from Jan Bettencourt whose service to the board was long, dedicated, and very appreciated.
  • Your humble correspondent, Donna Green was re-elected as Vice President with the understanding that I will be resigning at the next AGM in May 2024 as I live in Florida and feel that the organization needs all its board members physically present in NH for maximum effectiveness.
  • Also joining the board as Members at Large (one-year terms) are John Sellers, State Representative from Grafton County, and Aubrey Freedman from Bridgewater, NH.  We say goodbye to At Large board members Robert Chase and Jon DiPietro, both of whom generously shared their expertise and wisdom to make SDGA stronger.
  • Pencil in the second Saturday in May for our 2024 Annual General Meeting. The speakers are always fascinating and the board needs the input of our members. We get the opportunity to network, we eat good food, and it’s always a good time, too!

While you’re at it, save August 21 for a legislator meet and greet on Zoom at 7pm.

Thank you all as we continue with determination to save public education from itself.


Board Meetings Now on Monday Eves

The SDGA Board is now meeting on Monday nights, once a month. Its first meeting at this time was June 12th at 7pm. Previously, the board met on the first or second Saturday of the month.

Our next board meeting, followed by a legislative brainstorming retreat, will be in person on July 21 in Sunapee.

As a reminder, our monthly board meetings are open to all members. Simply send me an email and I will happily send you the Zoom invitation when it is published.

Help Our Mission

The SDGA needs people to help with the following projects:

  • Track the legislative voting record of NH legislators as it relates to SDGA-supported bills.  We want to grade legislators on their support for common sense education.
  • Help new members feel part of our group.  We are looking for a membership coordinator who will reach out to members, get them engaged, and help new members feel welcome.  Do as much or as little as you like.  Every little bit helps.J
  • Join our policy committee, which will start up again in September. Help create model policies for school boards that reflect our values.  Meetings are generally one night a month to brainstorm model policies with like-minded members.


Suspending our Monthly Meet & Greet for the Summer

On the first Friday of every month, SDGA members have been meeting to share food and war stories at Tandy’s Pub and Grille in Concord.

These will be suspended for the summer months. The board will decide at its September meeting if these Meet and Greets will resume in October. Stay tuned.


Our web site accepts payment. Renew your yearly membership for only $20.  Also consider a Lifetime membership for $200 — you’ll never have to renew your membership again.

You can also set up repeating annual payments so we don’t have to bug you all the time!


Since January 2023, students in NH can access a private tutor online for free. Is your school taking advantage of this service?

603 Bright Futures Survey Results were released. Parents praise respectful student/educator relationships; however, student dysregulation, and anxiousness remain a concern.

Articles and Things of Interest:

Twenty-one states are taking legal action after parents sued their daughter’s Florida school for launching a transgender support plan without parental consent.

Members: Remember to check out the private Members pages on for recorded past webinars and other useful information.


Help us with outreach: Are you involved in groups interested in school and school governance-related issues? Local GOP and taxpayer groups come to mind. Invite us to speak.

Annual dues are now due for 2023.  If you’re not already a member, and you want to support what you’re seeing and/or get involved, please join SDGA. Fill out an application on our web siteDues are still only $20, which we’ll ask you for after we process your application.

Next time you renew, consider a Lifetime membership for $200. Renew your yearly membership here.

Or make a donation! We run on a shoestring, and every little bit helps.

Join the SDGA facebook group to see events and announcements and to have discussions about them. The SDGA facebook page shows our announcements only.

SDGA Board Meetings over Zoom

2nd Monday of (almost) every month at 7pm. Members and interested people are welcome. Email us if you’re interested in attending.

Giving voters a voice by empowering elected school district officials to reclaim control over budgets and curriculum.


Warm best,
Donna Green
Vice President, School District Governance Association

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