Don’t Invite Destruction Into Our State by Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

House Bill 639, to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana in New Hampshire, is being considered by the NH Senate Judiciary Committee and the following was my testimony this week in opposition to the bill.

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Legalizing Marijuana Will Destroy the Mental Health of New Hampshire Residents

I testified last week to the New Hampshire House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee on Bill HB639 which would legalize the commercial sale of marijuana and other cannabis products in the state. This is my testimony.

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Nashua Democrat Rep. Deb Stevens Insults Constituent on Mental Health Issue

A constituent of Democrat New Hampshire House Rep Deb Stevens sent her an email. She asked that she oppose HB481—a bill to legalize, tax, and regulate cannabis. The constituent pointed out her concern about the connection between marijuana and schizophrenia. Rep. Stevens was not very kind in her reply.

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Science “Unsettled” – Pot contributes to schizophrenia?

With large studies in peer-reviewed journals showing that marijuana increases the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia, the scientific literature around the drug is far more negative than it was 20 years ago. Comparing two major reports from the National Academy of Medicine, the nonprofit group that advises the federal government on health and medicine, makes … Read more

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