
AGs Office Warns of Scams – Forgets To Include Itself

The Patch has a useful story today with details from the NH Attorney General’s Office. Holiday Scams are a problem, and they felt they should warn Granite Staters to be wary. Someone is pretending to be from law enforcement, telling marks they missed a court date and there is a warrant out for their arrest. … Read more

computer virus

Scammers – Can’t Get Much More Blatant Than This

There are other viruses out there besides the Wu Flu. And no small number of them are computer based. Given that I get between 300 to 800 emails a day (more the closer we get to some kind of election when all of the PACs start blasting stuff out), there is always a number of emails that I know to be scammers and n’er-do-wells.

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you're fired

Palate Cleanser – doesn’t help when the emails go to the “boss”

Heh! Doug left GraniteGrok quite some time ago. That said, it seems like scammers are always out of date. Doesn’t help when the email telling “you” that you’ve been fired goes to the “boss”. I actually get this type of email on a regular basis: From: “Human Resources Manager” To: Sent: 4/30/2020 5:08:33 AM … Read more

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