Scammers – Can’t Get Much More Blatant Than This

by Skip

There are other viruses out there besides the Wu Flu. And no small number of them are computer based. Given that I get between 300 to 800 emails a day (more the closer we get to some kind of election when all of the PACs start blasting stuff out), there is always a number of emails that I know to be scammers and n’er-do-wells.

Looking for money or to take over my laptop (or both).  Some take a real close looking at to figure out and some, well, take a look:

Blatant Virus 2 Payload

Most of these fools will at least try to disguise it as a Purchase Order, Invoice, Proposal; something they WANT you to think it is worth your time.

This one? Not even trying. Seriously – naming your payload VIRUS and thinking someone will blithely go “oh, sure – there’s something good in that file!”. Indeed there is – but not for you.

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