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Heating Oil Costs Are Rippling across My Life and Family

Today, I had an eye-opener, reality check, slap in the face, call it what you want, can you guess what it was? It’s the cost of heating oil. Heating oil is now up to $6.50 per gallon. If you were to get a delivery of 200 gallons that fill-up will cost $1,300. A year ago, … Read more

Memorial Day 2020

by Tom

As we approach Memorial Day, I am once again compelled to remind myself (and others) of the purpose and meaning of this sacred holiday. After the Civil War ended, friends and family would visit the graves of those killed in the war and would decorate them, as a means of remembering and honoring their sacrifice.  … Read more

Memorial Day – a different perspective from me

by Skip

In years past for me, it has been about those who gave all, as Grokster Steve points out here.  That simple drawing shows the gratitude for all the sacrifices that millions have given to our country, to us, and to me personally.  I have, as I have explained here many times, never served, so I … Read more

Well, it’s about time somebody warns Karzai

by Skip

Heck, it’s about time that a high ranking US official tell this two-bit Stone Age nation head this:

101st In AfghanistanLIMA, Peru (AP) — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta lashed back at Afghan President Hamid Karzai Friday, saying the Afghan leader should say thank you now and then to the allied forces who are fighting and dying there, rather than criticizing them.

Panetta was responding to Karzai’s complaints Thursday that the U.S. is failing to go after militants based in Pakistan, and instead is concentrating on the insurgents in Afghanistan.

“We have made progress in Afghanistan because there are men and women in uniform who have been willing to fight and die for Afghanistan’s sovereignty,” Panetta snapped, as he spoke with reporters traveling with him to South America. “Those lives were lost fighting the right enemy not the wrong enemy and I think it would be helpful if the president, every once in a while, expressed his thanks for the sacrifices that have been made by those who have fought and died for Afghanistan, rather than criticizing them.”

There are have a number of occasions that the Afghans, including Karzai, have criticized US / NATO (ok, let’s be real here, the brunt is being borne by the US) when thinks have not gone well – Afghans have done the double-cross, turn turncoat, and within the fog of war, innocents have suffered and died and collateral damage has occurred.  I oft think that Karzai fogets that if the US had not gone after the Taliban that had given safe quarters to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, Karzai would not be sitting there with that peculiar hat and mantle.  Yet, he has been quick to beat up on the US and Nato, demanding apologies and money and enhancing the anti-American rhetoric that serves us poorly.

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Memorial Day – a time of remembrance and reflection.

by Skip

There are two images that always come to mind on Memorial Day: (Photo credits: Todd Heisler/The Rocky Mountain News, via Associated Press, unknown) (H/T: NY Times, BlackFive) They are concrete examples of two sacrifices: the man that put himself into harm’s way for his country and for his buddies and sacrificed himself for them, and … Read more

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