Democrats are Inexorably Linked to Biden’s Failed Policies

Inflation and crime are up at breathtaking levels. Our status on the world stage is deteriorating, as is the morale of our nation. The vast majority of Americans believe we’re on the wrong track.

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Why Does That Make Sense?

President Trump spoke at the Teen Student Action Summit. In doing so he shows his commitment to the youth of America. Trump made an appearance at the four-day conference for high school conservatives. The gathering was organized by Turning Point USA. The organizer, Charlie Kirk, said in a video posted to twitter, “We have people … Read more

Yet another reason to vote for Romney-Ryan…

RNC 2012 Notable Quotables…

Here are some notable quotes from the 2012 RNC.  I’m sure I missed some…

“… Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party” — Clint Eastwood

“My dad was a bartender….You see, he stood behind the bar all those years so that one day I could stand  behind a podium…” – Sen. Marco Rubio

“…instead of moving oceans and healing planets, let’s get our bills in order and pay down the debt so we control our own future.” — 2008 Obama campaign co-chair Artur Davis

“College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life.” — VP Nominee Paul Ryan

“You see, Mr.President, real leaders do not follow polls.  Real leaders change polls.” — Gov. Chris Christie

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Medicare Fraud – [Updated and Bumped – Again…]

When I say “Medicare Fraud,” I’m not referring to the corrupt practices of people and professionals who are milking taxpayers by running fast circles around the bureaucratic behemoth that is Medicare.  I am referring to the left-wing Democrat lie-factory that has nothing in its barren campaign quiver but fear tactics.   That is the fraud I am referring to.   That and the fraud they will perpetrate on every aspect of the Ryan Budget.

I just hope Harry Reid has nothing to say about the Ryan budget…you know…that might get awkward.

Here’s a short clip from CBS news c/o Hot Air on Romney/Ryan and Medicare…

[Update(s) on the jump]

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Mysterious Folder Conundrum

Love Birds

Suppose you fall in love with someone who is good looking, well groomed, and has lots of potential.  Let’s say you two lovebirds decide to get married.  Giddiness and joy all around…congratulations.

One day, you are at the supermarket, casually buying grapes (so you can feed them to your love, like they do in the old-timey movies), when a shadowy person comes up behind you and hands you a sealed folder.  The mystery person whispers in your ear and says…

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A Rose By Any Other Name…

This may sound like a strange observation but I think we can narrow down the field of potential Romney VP candidates based on how well their name sounds after “Romney.”  (I am amused by the notion that this might matter.)   Romney-Christie, for example, does not roll off the tongue the way “Romney-Ryan” would.   And let’s face it, Obama- Biden may one day be a slang term for economic destruction (if it is not already), but it rolls off the tongue as if it were a beautifully constructed expletive.

Drops hot Tuna casserole…”Obamabiden!”

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