The Durham investigation has done more to unravel the question of Russian Collusion than the DNC and Clinton made-for-television Meuller Investigation. It has inspired President Donald Trump to take it to the next level. He’s suing them.
Russian Collusion
Senate Dem Maggie Hassan Is ‘Colluding’ With Russia
When she was Governor Hassan, Maggie took a trip to Turkey a while back and completely ignored the human rights violations, especially against women. So, receiving a maximum primary contribution from a Lobbyist for Russian Energy interests can’t be that big of a deal.
Transcripts from House Investigation Reveal – No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion At All
If you are still clinging (bitterly) the notion that the Russians colluded with Donald Trump’s campaign, your heart just got stabbed 53 more times. Fifty-Three House Intelligence Committee investigation transcripts are cleared for public release, and there’s still no “there” there.
Condoleezza Rice Straightens Out MSNBC Anchor on Russian Collusion Myth
The other day Condoleezza Rice said something about the Russia Collusion Scandal that I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say. What about those voters who elected Trump? Aren’t you devaluing them with this narrative?
Don’t Expect New Revelations on Collusion Narrative Unless They Are About Democrats
Can you hear it? The silence coming from the Mueller investigation? You thought it had something to do with the media being obsessed with Judge (now Justice) Kavanaugh. All that noise drowning out the squeaky wheel coming from the “Special” prosecutors office. Think again. Think back to September 21st when we reported on the sudden about-face by … Read more