Is Hampton the “Seacoast Nashua”?

I was approached by election security watchdog Linda Brown regarding Private Citizen Regina Barnes’s recent day in court, which Chau Kelley took a 51-minute video of and wrote a brief summary on.  Though flattered to be thought of as worthy of such an assignment, I was reluctant to submit something that might appear as taking credit for the work of others.

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Nashua’s Right Not to Know

If normal people think that they are going to get justice in these times – forget it! I just went to court against the City of Nashua for Right To Know information which they would not give me. I assumed that once in court the city employees would tell the truth under oath but I was wrong. The saddest part was the judge believed them.

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The Senate Passively and Collectively Voted for a New TAX

Yes, that’s what I said and it’s the harsh and unpleasant truth, as truthful as saying that Melanie voted for an income tax.  No member is exempt from blame so each one gets their rightful 1/24th, but some are definitely more deserving of rebuke than others, according to my report, but let’s first make it … Read more

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Nashua’s Malicious Email Game

Late in the fall of 2023, the Supreme Court issued mandates that ordered the City of Nashua to follow the trial court’s order in two Right-to-Know (RTK) Petitions and produce emails stored on backup tape. The email records requested were for two months of specific records within Nashua’s assessing office.

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