What is the right response to lockdowns? Lockdowns do indeed have costs. Some are financial and some of them are personal and health-related. There’s more than one way to wreck a life. For example:
These Are Not the Results of Experts at Anything but Failure
If the title looks familiar, it’s a sentence from this post, published a few hours earlier. The point? The people holding the reins to the public health trumps all sleigh are lousy at the job.
Hammers and Nails: Stop Treating COVID As If it is Equally Dangerous to Everybody
In the October issue of Imprimis, Jay Bhattachary, a is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and a co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, explores a Compassionate ANTI-COVID strategy. It’s a great read, and he makes a point that stood out as one we make almost daily.
I’m Not Anti-Mask, You Can Wear One – They Just Don’t “Stop the Spread”
In mid-November, I related a conversation I overheard where someone said that Republicans thought the virus wasn’t real. Fake news. I explained that this was not true. They believe that the virus is real; it’s the political response “as a preventative” that is fake.
The Scientific Value of Masks, Hiding, and Hand Wringing
The scientific value of mask hiding and hand wringing is diminishing. That’s right there’s a new study confirming it. The experts say if you hide in your basement and wash your hands incessantly while wearing a mask it increases your probability of becoming president. It does not however decrease your chances of getting the virus. … Read more
Where are the Police? Crime is up People are Unhappy.
Where are the Police? That is the question of the hour in Minneapolis. The city has made itself an object lesson in Democrat leadership or lack thereof. Minneapolis is the home of the late George Floyd. After his death the all Democrat Minneapolis City Council went on the political offensive.
Impeach Obama
Pointing out let wing hypocrisy is easier than hitting water when you fall out of a boat so when we find an opportunity to point out acts based on some kind of consistent principle it seems only appropriate to reward them with public comment.