A Terrorist By Any Other Name…

We start the discussion with Terrorism in Paris and the French who have replaced the refugee turnstile with a locked down border. *Audio problems reported during the program were corrected post-production.  

The Specter of Single-Payer Looms

We continue with Canadian Health care refugee Shona Holmes on the tens of thousands who flee to the US for care, and the risk it poses when thy try to “get back in line” north of the border. And, how all of this is waiting for us after ObamaCare’s engineered failure leads to the real … Read more

Immigrant Do-gooders want others to care for those they bring – yeah, that’s responsible

From the Union Leader:

Ready or not, the refugees are coming

The state’s refugee resettlement program is expected to spread from Manchester to Nashua in the coming weeks, with 50 refugees headed toward the Gate City. Officials in both cities are expressing concern over the plans.

“I was talking about my concerns with the head of the International Institute, and the next communication I have from them is to say that they (the refugees) are coming, and we’ve found housing for them,” said Nashua Mayor Donnalee Lozeau. “I asked, ‘Where? When? Who’s coming? Are there any children?’ No one has any answers. The concerns I raised were real ones, and I feel like they weren’t addressed at all.”

The International Institute of New Hampshire (IINH) has been working for months to resettle another 200 refugees in Manchester, despite a sometimes frosty relationship with city officials. Mayor Ted Gatsas wrote a letter in 2011 to the U.S. State Department, which oversees the refugee program, faulting its “complete and utter lack of consideration for the local resettlement community.”

Actually, that headline should read:

Immigrant Do-gooders bring refugees to places where they are not

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Kathy Sullivan and the Destructive Democrats

The rallying cry of the Destructive Democrats

The Union Leader today had a column by super-Democrat Kathy Sullivan (she’s a member of their national committee and is former chairman of the NH Democrat Party). In it she attacked a proposed refugee moratorium in Manchester, Mayor Gatsas, and those who support the idea.

All that is fine by me…but then the dishonest old socialist (is there any other kind?) went after the Freestaters.

And that got my hackles up….

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Then There Are “These” Refugee Costs

“All institutions are prone to corruption and to the vices of their members.”  —Morris West

Beatrice Munyenyezi  has resided nearby here in Manchester since 2002 .  Like many others who have come  to the United States as Refugees, Munyenyezi came to raise her children, work and, essentially, “live the American Dream.”  But also unlike many other refugees, Munyenyezi presently stands accused of personally participating in the Rwandan genocide, as an extremist Hutu who not only killed, but had a hand in the rapes of untold Tutsi victims.

U.S. Immigration in its’ U.S. District Court complaint in Concord, accuses Munyenyezi of lying  to enter the United States to gain citizenship. Currently behind bars without bail, Munyenyezi  is slated to begin trial this Wednesday on fraud charges.

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“The two pillars of ‘political correctness’ are: a) willful ignorance; and,  b) a steadfast refusal to face the truth” —George MacDonald “Reform school” was a euphemistic term used to characterize what amounted to a penal institutions for teenagers, most often boys. Social reformers of America during the late 19th and early 20th centuries decried the … Read more

Tin-Eared Bureaucrats

“Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.” ~Laurence J. Peter


Barbara Seebart, New Hampshire State Refugee Coordinator didn’t appear to grasp Mayor Ted Gatsas’ assertions that the City of Manchester is not prepared to absorb another 300 refugees. The Board of Mayor and Alderman voted in favor of a moratorium this month given the city’s current financial situation.

Seebart, told the mayor she would pass along his concerns to the hacks in Washington DC, but then ended her response to Gatsas with this little gem: “I look forward to our continued collaboration in assuring refugees are successfully resettled in Manchester.”  As reported in today’s edition of the New Hampshire Union Leader.

Gatsas promptly responded to Seebart asserting, “I continue to question how success is measured with regards to resettlement by both yourself and the International Institute of New Hampshire; to date that question has yet to be sufficiently answered.”

 On July 7, the Union Leader reported that Seebart expressed concerns about scarce case management after refugees have been in the Queen city 6-9 months, as well as concerns with the economy and potential welfare law changes. Yet her above statement seems to indicate a tin ear.

On July 10 International Institute of New England Board Chairman William Gillett, in the Union Leader argued against a moratorium stating, “To suggest that refugees resettling in Manchester “are going to suffer because there are not enough resources for them” ignores completely the conditions and lives that the refugees have fled…” Gillett further arrogantly opines, “Any lack of adequate resources is a failure of will, not a failure of ability.” Another tin ear.

The city has cut back on many services; The city has laid off workers; and, the tax payers are facing another tax increase.  Gillett’s organization is not shy about spending the tax payers dollars, either. Gillett points out that, “A significant amount of federal money flows in to Manchester to support refugee resettlement. These funds target refugee employment assistance, health care, English language and citizenship classes and, specifically, the educational needs of refugee children in the Manchester schools.  organization…” What he wants us to believe is that such federal funds are sufficient to do all that he says they are intended to do. Not true. And Gillet’s own organization’s report reflects that where IINH states, “

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Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work!

“It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.” ~Edmund Burke And when older people are yelling, “Don’t cut my Social Security!” Do you think they know about this community in Tacoma Washington? SO here you have it….Obama pimping the old people to keep … Read more

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