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Inflation, Recession, New Taxes. Thanks Joe

By definition, we officially entered a recession. The second quarter GDP was released, and with two consecutive quarters of negative numbers, the Biden Economy has now hit a new low. By changing definitions, the Biden administration believes they can convince the American public that all is well. Americans are more intelligent than the Biden Team … Read more

Recession financial downturn economy

Failing? Change the Rules

If you are doing nothing right and your ratings spiral downward, change the rules and the definitions, and then convince everything is great. The Biden administration is getting quite proficient at the name game, but, face it, their performance has required a lot of creative naming.

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If It Were Me, I’d Do What Obama Is Doing

A cunning legerdemain is in the works, and, if it were me, I’d follow and do what Obama is doing. Think about the Fiscal Cliff/Sequestration for a moment. Faultless tax increases and faultless spending cuts, and, more importantly, among those spending cuts are juicy, delicious Defense cuts. This is a big spending Democrat’s wet dream. If you don’t believe me, ask Howard Dean, who said that the Fiscal Cliff:

“…is actually the best deal progressive Democrats are going to get. And here’s why. One, we get the Clinton tax rates on everybody. Will it cause a problem? Yes. There will be a short recession, and it will be painful. But two, we get Defense cuts. Republicans are never going to agree to that. And three, there are some human services cuts, which we’re not going to like. But it’s the least possible damage.”

So, if I was a big spender turned on by the sloppy inefficiencies of big government, why the heck would I not want to go over the cliff? And does anyone deny that Kaptain O is a big spender? The guy has racked up over $6 trillion in debt in one term and is on track to rack up more debt than all the other presidents combined. What’s even more impressive is that he has nothing to show for it! Try to do that if you’re fiscally prudent. You can’t. It can’t be done unless you’re awash in other people’s money and blow through it like a Secret Service agent blowing through a line of cocaine off a hooker’s belly.  So, if I were a Obama, I’d do what I could to guarantee we careen well over the cliff and land somewhere well beyond the slope–pull a Thelma and Louise and jettison 80 mph into the canyon.

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President Obama Inherited an Economy Coming Out of a Recession – Yes, You Read That Right.

For years now, and especially recently, we’ve been awash in rhetoric that claims that President Obama inherited a recession and that without spending $831,000,000,000 in stimulus money we don’t have the United States would enter into a depression.

The president’s door-to-door acolytes continue to hose the unlucky that answers the knock with claims that the president couldn’t do in 4 years what it took FDR 12 to accomplish.  The premise of this hogwash implies that the two conditions are comparable.  They’re not.  FDR was dealing with an actual depression (and protracting it, in my view, see Robert Higgs’ “Depression, War, and Cold War” for more information) and this president was not.

Well the acolytes can keep blasting the firehouse of mistaken rhetoric, but anyone that decides to shelter themselves from this falsehood can do so.  President Obama inherited an economy coming out of a recession.

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Where Has The Other Senator Ayotte Gone?

Obama’s war on coal is netting some unusual suspects as supporters.  New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte, who indicates that she has a history of preventing outside meddling with policy of this nature, voted against a resolution that would have overturned the EPA’s utility MACT rule.

From her Web Site

Continuing New Hampshire’s tradition of protecting the state’s environment through commonsense policies, U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) announced today that she voted against a Senate measure that would weaken national Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for power plants aimed at reducing emissions of toxic air pollutants such as mercury, arsenic and metals.

There are a lot of things that are bad for us, and even if you agree that the DC should do something, there are other factors to consider–unless you happen to be a stooge for the Democrat party and the Green movement in which case adding to the bureaucracy is always job number one.

This rule will add costs and threaten the coal industry, which just happens to be at the top of President Obama kill list.  It will probably result in job cuts to that sector, increase energy costs for everyone, and add more hoops and administrative costs, all borne by rate payers, in the midst of a stagnant economy, and for what?

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