The Boston Police Saved Us from the Trans Mob

On September 18, I joined Billboard Chris’ rally outside Boston Children’s Hospital to call attention to the serious harm being done to kids at their pediatric gender clinic.

Related: Transgender Ideology Harms Children

Boston Children’s is transitioning kids as young as three years old. They are administering puberty blockers to kids as young as 10, and virtually 100% of these kids go on to take cross-sex hormones, leaving them infertile and without sexual function. At age 15, they offer amputation of girls’ healthy breasts.

Libs of TikTok, Matt Walsh, and Billboard Chris have been working to expose what is going on at Boston Children’s ever since the hospital published damning videos.

While Libs of TikTok and Matt Walsh do their work on social media and Walsh has a popular podcast, Billboard Chris’ main outreach is going to public places wearing sandwich board signs front and back and talking face-to-face with people on the street to educate those who don’t know what is going on or don’t realize how serious things have gotten and to try and reason with those who disagree with him, often adamantly so. He is always peaceful, but his opposition often isn’t.

When Stephen and I arrived for Chris’ rally, there was a huge mob of Antifa counterprotesters and their allies gathered in front of the hospital. The Boston Globe estimated it was 150 people. There were at least 20 police officers in riot gear in front of our group of about ten people across the street.  

Chris brought his trademark black and white signs for all of us to hold — “Dad: (noun) a human male who protects his kids from gender ideology,” “Mom: (noun) a human female who protects her kids from gender ideology,” “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers,” “No child is born in the wrong body,” and “Gender ideology does not belong in schools.”

The Antifa mob was furious with our presence. The leaders egged on their followers with a megaphone. For the entire three hours, we were there, they demanded that we had to leave. “Get these scum off our streets! Whose streets? Our streets!”  One of the weirdest chants was, “An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! We will protect trans youth!”

The members of the mob were holding a plethora of handmade cardboard signs and carrying pride and transgender flags and a homemade banner that said “Kill Fascism” with a hammer and sickle on it. Billboard Chris teased them, calling them “Arts and Crafts Antifa.”

The Boston legacy media was there, including the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald, as well as several photographers. I suspected that the legacy media would not cover what was happening on our side of the street, especially as the hours went by and no mainstream journalist ever came to interview us, so I did my own investigation.

I asked the members of our small group what their political affiliation is, and they told me they are on the left politically. All of them have children that suddenly and unexpectedly identified as transgender, so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, ROGD. Parents on the left are much more likely to have kids who are victims of the trans cult.

The next day the legacy media coverage was all a smear. They identified us as right-wing extremists who want to harm “trans” kids, including the Boston Herald, which I did not realize had gone ‘woke.’ The Herald’s coverage includes a picture of me holding a sign saying, “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers.”

No legacy news media interviewed Billboard Chris or any of us. It was a hit job. Thankfully, journalist Wesley Yang was there to record the truth. Watch his interview with one of the members of Chris’ rally. 

The other bizarre aspect of the news coverage is that these articles characterized our group as both a huge threat to “trans” kids and as pitifully weak and small and ineffective, especially compared to the size of the angry mob. The implication of these news stories is that “might makes right,” as if large angry, aggressive groups couldn’t possibly do anything wrong. See “Fewer than 10 anti-trans protesters met by 100s of counter-protesters at Boston Children’s Hospital” in the Boston Globe.

The entire time we were there, the Boston Police in full riot gear in the sweltering heat stayed in a line guarding us, billy clubs in hand. I watched the officer closest to me as he tapped the end of his club in his hand, waiting to jump into action to crack some heads.

About two hours in, some in the mob decided it was time to make a move, and they rushed across the street toward us, shouting, “All cops are bastards!”. The police sprang forward to block them, and when the miscreants got in their faces, the police aggressively pushed them back across the street. 

When it was time for us to leave, the police quickly escorted us away and out of sight of the mob. 

It was wonderful to connect with new allies, and we thank the mob for exposing how craven they are for the whole world to see, even if the legacy media is too corrupt, to tell the truth about what really happened. 

Billboard Chris is holding another rally outside Boston Children’s Hospital on Saturday, January 14. Follow him at to learn more and check for more details when it gets closer to the date. 



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