
Over 5200 Medical Experts (So Far) Sign Declaration to Alert the Public to “The Deadly Consequences of COVID-19 Policy…”

After meeting for the International COVID Summit 2021, thousands of physicians worldwide are signing the Physicians Declaration (or Global Covid Summit Declaration) to alert the public to the deadly consequences of current COVID public policy.

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F your mask mandate mask

More Mask Misery Remains

Finally, the Governor has lifted his mandatory unconstitutional mask mandate for the citizens of New Hampshire but the damage has been done and, unfortunately, we will see the mask drama continue to play out.

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Campaigning for Your Best Interest

Who is campaigning for your best interest? What exactly are your interests?

It is the political season and we are in a war for our individual liberties. Who is campaigning for your best interest? What exactly are your interests?

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Why Does It Make Sense to Quarantine the Well?

Does It Make Sense to Quarantine the Well?

New Hampshire does not seem to be asking itself the obvious question: Why does it make sense to quarantine the well? And emergency room doctors are being pressured to add coronavirus to death reports: Why is that? Is it in order to make the disease look worse than it really is?

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