All Things being Equal…

Any minute now the left will begin to caterwaul about how unfair it is to not only reward teachers who have more prestigious degrees, but to demand that they have degrees at all.  After all, this kind of wage inequality…

…it could be ‘devastating’ to the (those) who worked hard, but fell short….

OK.  That’s never going to happen, but–all things being equal– it should because those are actually the words (slightly edited for effect) of a professional educator.  A member of the ‘everyone gets a trophy’ club,  David Fabrizio, the principal of Ipswich Middle School in Massachusetts.  Mr. Fabrizio let parents know that the long standing custom of celebrating academic excellence–Honor’s Night–was being cancelled, because “… it could be ‘devastating’ to the students who worked hard, but fell short of the grades.”

Well thanks for that benchmark Mr. Fabrizio. (Though it is hardly the first time we’ve heard this sort of nonsense.)

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So What If It’s Technically Impossible to Administer…

woman-spraying-perfumeNew Hampshire Democrats are ready to get serious about legislating matters that are important to New Hampshire’s future…so hey, how about we try to pass a perfume ban? (For state employees).

The important point to remember here isn’t that  a perfume ban was brought up in the last legislature and failed, and it is not that there is a need to discuss whether or not “how state employees covering their BO” might create an unpleasant environment–into which some citizens may be inconvenienced, it is how quickly can we use the power of the state to regulate it regardless of whether or not it would even work.

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The NH-D.E.S. Break Schedule, and Other Mysteries of The Known Universe

We have it on good authority that Richard de Seve, State employee over at the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, only reads and comments on the articles at the Concord Monitor-online, during his breaks.  He did, after all, admit this too me, so what better authority can there be?  And who am I to doubt the “word “of a long time Public employee, part time UNH professor, and high ranking member of the SEIU/NH-SEA?

That question answers itself, yes?

So I did a little test.  I took another look at his last four years worth of comments at the Concord Monitor, and checked the posting times.

My conclusion?  That DES either offers its employes a very liberal rotating break schedule that occurs with greater frequency than J.R.R. Tolkien’s Hobbits stop to eat or Dick de Seve is simply giving himself a “break” to read and or respond to content at the Concord Monitor, on any given work day, whenever the mood strikes him, in any one of these potential time periods.

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Isn’t it Time We Enforced the State’s IT Policies

Democrats like to manage society, ever more so when they believe it has misbehaved.  So here’s an idea the left ought to embrace with both left arms.

Because it is against state policy to use state computers for activities outside their intranet, like reading online news or–heaven forbid whiling the day away commenting on news portals like the Concord Monitor while on the taxpayers payroll–why hasn’t one of the states IT guru’s blocked all those IP’s from within the states network?  (We know they have not.)

The policy is very clear yet the system is left open to abuse.  So is this trust that the government is extending to state employees, something its leftist advocates are loath to offer to regular citizens on a wide range of things.   Well, that trust has been broken.

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