I,________, do solemnly swear, that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the ‘Guidelines?’

Law outside the lines or guidelinesHas ignorance reared its ugly head again in the New Hampshire Legislature   Yeah, yeah, more times per day than we could count with all those people there.  Actually, I’m referring to Debra DeSimone, Rockingham 14 who seems to have a questionable view of her relationship to the constitution. According to Ms. De Simone, the constitution is really just a guideline and we have House Rep George Lambert (Hills – 44) to thank for sharing that news with us.

From Facebook.

“House quote of the day “the constitution is a guideline” not a requirement. – and yes she said “I swore to uphold the guideline” if it is just a guideline, how will it’s protections actually defend you…”

And an inch is just a guideline when building a house.  So what if you are off a few inches or bits of inches here and there.  A foot here, a yard there.  (as long as it doesn’t fall down while you’re standing next to it, right?)

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A Flip-Flop? No, more of being an on-going feature than a bug

“…does this enhance a perception by them as a Stand on Principle or a Politics as Usual?

Steve’s post brought up that fact that when Jennifer Horn (running to be the next NH GOP Chair – oh my!), she changed her tune might fast once it was pointed out that she included one of the “Five Families” (er, that would be US Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) in excoriating the Fiscal Cliff vote.

Sidenote: Once again, just like Obamacare, we see legislation done by the Elite (Boehner and Reid) instead by open and accountable hearings, and voted upon in the middle of the night.  In that same vein, their information either came talking point and/or most likely, from Cliff Notes (yes, I could not resist) – once again, I am betting that the number of Senators (vs their staff) who actually took the time to read the actual bill.

Back to Jennifer and the title.  Software developers often talk about new development and stuff that is in process – when something “looks bizarre”, it is often laughed off as “a feature or a bug” (unless a VIP is asking the question).  In real life, everyone yields a “bug” now and then – stuff said before all of the news and information is verified.  But it seems with Horn to this observer (and others who have easily commented upon it as well without syllable one from my lips) that this has been an on-going progression since I first met her running for Congress in 2008.  I have watched someone move from being a TEA Party person, who said “THESE are my principles”, morph to being more Establishment “We gotta win!” (or more to the point “I gotta win”) – and a real grassrooter (as opposed to a faux one) understands EXACTLY what I just said.  Sure, one with TEA Party principles has to win to have them be of value….but not at the risk of losing what defines one as being a “grassrooter”.  I am not the only one.

This event certainly is a case in point: Agreeing with grassroot ire – until it became quickly and painfully obvious that:

  1. the deal stunk all the way around and a pox on those that voted for it
  2. Oh crap on that pox – I’m ALSO dissing a VERY IMPORTANT NH Person (who is also getting on some folks Prez-wannabe list, heightening the IMPORTANT part)

So, is this who you (those of you who are now voting Members of the NH Republican Party) want as NH GOP Chair?

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David Brooks is the epitome of his own ‘moderate Republican’ vision

David Brooks is one unhappy dude – I would be, too, if I was the New York Times token “Conservative “.  Problem is, in order to be Conservative, one has to have a solid belief system rooted in actual conservative values – something he actually doesn’t particularly like (my previous post: strong American values are leading to “incredibly backward-looking campaign”).

Or have. I guess this shows how little one actually has to be right-leaning to be considered “Conservative” when everyone around you at the NYT is a flaming Lib.  And now he’s got another strike that confirms that view in his column a couple of days ago: The Possum Republicans.  A few things struck me – this first on those in the middle on keeping their political offices:

Still, it is worth pointing out that this behavior is not entirely honorable. It’s not honorable to adjust your true nature in order to win re-election. It’s not honorable to kowtow to the extremes so you can preserve your political career.

So when Brooks, the NYT Mr. Moderate, says that, two things jump out:

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