Red suit, horned head; Satan gives an “honest” appraisal of what went wrong after 50 years of killing babies in the womb (er, a “setback”?).
Press Conference
No, Sherm Packard … They Were Yelling At The Right People
So I finally got around to watching #FakeNewsWMUR’s “coverage” of the September 15th press conference held by the House-GOP against Biden’s vaccine mandate. At one point, Speaker Sherm Packard shouts at the crowd “YOU’RE YELLING AT THE WRONG PEOPLE!”
Tuesday, Sept 14: NH House Press Conference To Oppose Biden Regime Mandates
In response to the Biden regime’s announcement of tyrannical, unconstitutional vaccine mandates via presidential executive order, the New Hampshire House has announced it will hold a press conference on Tuesday, September 14th, at 11 a.m. at the State House plaza.
Tucker Carlson’s Epic Dissection of Joe Biden’s (Only) “Press Conference”
If you saw Joe Biden’s Press Conference performance were you embarrassed for the nation? If you didn’t see it, did you hear about it? Have you seen Tucker Carlson’s dissection of Biden’s softball practice? It’s great and cringe-worthy at the same time.
Press Conference: Families of Dead Seal Team Six Members
We’ll be talking about this tomorrow on GrokTALK! – (Podcast is posted on Sunday.) Whether you listen to our dicussion or not, find some time to watch this if you can. It is long so watch it in segments if you must. But please try to make time to watch at least some of it.