Jeanne Shaheen

Wanna Reconsider Your Words, Democrat Ambassador to NH, Jeanne Shaheen?

SHOT: Shaheen stating a lie.It’s incredible that even in the middle of this pandemic, Republicans in Washington are trying to gut healthcare for people with preexisting conditions. In NH, that over half million people. We are going to fight them every step of the way.”

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Liar, Liar, Liar … Annie Kuster is Quite the Liar

This: Is a total LIE. As explained by Rep. Dan Crenshaw: And just as SHAMEFUL as Annie Kuster gleefully LYING to the voters is that none of the so-called “press” in New Hampshire has held her accountable. The reason for that is that the “press” in New Hampshire are actually Democrat operatives posing as reporters, … Read more

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