Prayer is Tyrannies Most Powerful Enemy

If ever a picture is worth a thousand words, it is the painting of George Washington kneeling and praying by his white horse in the snow at Valley Forge. Because of our forefathers’ prayers and sacrifice, our families enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas by warm fires, stuffing our bellies, and watching football.

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Tucker Carlson - Twitter news update screen grab

What the Tuck? Word War III

Upon hearing Fox News Network was “parting ways” with Tucker Carlson, the shock was sudden but the surprise was short-lived.  We are living in a day and time when virtually every sacred cow in America and the institutions they represent are being thoroughly savaged. 

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Sunday Spotlight: Hope and Prayer


Each Sunday, I take a step away from daily politics and focus on something or someone who has done extraordinary things or who we may need to understand or know a little better. This week’s focus is not on a person but on a remedy—a powerful remedy for the mess we have seen created by the Left.

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Coach Kennedy - Video Screen Grab First Liberty

Everyone Should Know Joe Kennedy

To Conservatives and those who value Freedom of Religion, we should all know and pull for Joe Kennedy. Joe Kennedy, or Coach Kennedy, is fighting before the United States Supreme Court not to get his job back but to stop the powers who could ever take it away in the future.

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The US Sun Afghani woman shot on soccer field by Taliban


It’s estimated “only low hundreds” of Americans were left behind in Afghanistan, and “maybe they chose to stay”? And maybe we should believe Biden is a master strategist and political savant and only acts like a befuddled idiot to fool our unfriendly opponents?

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Legislators attempt to remove prayer in schools

Many controversial bills were heard this week, among them was HB289. This bill aims to repeal the ability of public elementary schools to authorize the recitation of the Lord’s prayer. Supporters of the bill spoke today before the House Education Committee and claimed it is unconstitutional. They claimed that it is unnecessary to have a … Read more

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