We welcome another program to our “podcast” lineup. Manch Talk with Tammy Simmons and Caral Gericke.”Will NH Senators Defend the Guard or Cave to The Military Industrial Complex?”
The New England Take: Stop Masking for No Reason!
One of the local podcasts we’re thinking of sharing is A. J. Kierstead’s The New England Take. It has decent production values and good sound and offers a lot of local and Concord-centric content, with and without guests.
Real Quick: Newsletter Changes, Your Podcasts on ‘Grok, and Other Updates
As a heads-up, we are going back to one newsletter per day instead of breaking it up into two installments. The Daily Grok will publish in the afternoon – through the evening like it used to do.
NH Civics is at it Again…Now They Want to Promote Group Therapy for Children in Public Schools
With the desperate call to improve Civics Education for students in New Hampshire, you would think one of the most prominent Civics organizations would be at the forefront of making sure our students are literate in this important subject.
GrokTALK! is Back … And We’re Serious This Time!
GrokTALK! (GT) has returned with weekly one-hour episodes in which we’ll talk news, politics, and culture as only we can.
Podcast Reboot – Mucking About!
Last night, as promised, Mike, Skip, and I set out to determine if Riverside FM would solve most if not all of our remote podcasting problems. So what was the verdict?
We’re FINALLY! Rebooting the Podcast and Here’s How You Can Help!
For several years and just over 150 episodes, Skip, Mike, and myself, or some combination of us, would trek to 8 North Main St. in Concord to do a podcast. In the years since, we’ve been looking for ways to overcome hurdles that prevented a reboot.
Have Faith in Their Hypocrisy
The Government-first people are the first to question the motives of wealthy pastors but what about the motives and machinations of greedy their government?
Have Faith in Their Hypocrisy
If it is disgusting, unethical, or even criminal for a church leader to spend money they ask for and receive voluntarily – on themselves instead of their supposed mission, how it is not exponentially worse than members of Congress (or their donors or supporters) are getting rich (or at least enriched) on the money “taken from people” who won’t be born for generations and can’t even vote to allow it or object in the first place?
NH Has a Bill to Address Toxic Solar Waste that at Least One Solar Company Wants to Block
Local Solar guy Dan Weeks is in favor of bilking us out of millions and billions of dollars today to address climate change – the anticipation of theoretical problems in the future – based on prophecies by prognosticators who’ve yet to accurately predict much if anything about the climate or even the weather.
What will happen in 2022?
What will happen in 2022? Tune in to find out. This is going to be a very short episode because we all have celebrating to do.
Happy New Year?
A long time ago I resolved not to make any more resolutions at New Years. I instead adopted something like an idea we recently shared from marathoner Joan Benoit Samuelson. It’s not about what the day brings to you it’s about what you bring to the day.
No More Dirty Harry
Harry Reid is dead. You’re not supposed to say anything bad about the dead, so… Max says some things.
The Federal Government Spent $4.5MM to Torture Ferrets
The COVID Gene Jabs are Incapable, by Design, of Preventing Infection.
Two professors, both Medical Doctors, have released new research that confirms why there are so many so-called breakthrough infections among those who have received the so-called OVID19 vaccination. The gene-based Jabs are incapable, by design, of preventing infection.
Cycle Theory and Civil War – Is This What the Left Wants?
I’m still trying to get the training wheels back on this thing so bear with me but this episode is shorter, as originally promised. In five minutes I pose questions based on the idea that America is in decline.
Hear-Ye! Hear Ye! – The Week in Podcasts, So Far…
I did say we were adding podcasts and we’re adding podcasts. Here’s what’s new this week, and something recent from the past.
Regulators Block Proposed Utility-Rate Increase to Fund $450 Million in “Efficiency Programs”
NH has line items in their utility bills to fund programs that support or encourage efficiency improvements by homeowners or commercial users. Stakeholders (Utility companies and interested third parties) support a 175% increase in the rate to fund a three-year 450 million dollar proposed efficiency improvement program budget.
Public Education is Broken
I had a chat this morning with Liz Gabert about COVID Era Public Education, and some of the issues with public schools in General. I’d classify it as “easy listening” unless you are some union-schooly-tool. Then you might need a few antacids and a trip to your therapist. 12m 36s You can also listen … Read more
Immigration and the Threat to American Culture
My guest is NYU Professor Lawrence Mead. He is an expert on poverty and culture and has written a book about the need to assimilate immigrants or our American Culture – the culture of individualism and freedom – could perish.