Picture of the Day

Clouds over a volcano. (H/T: John D)

The Magic Green Hat

The other day I needed to go to the emergency room.  Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my  MAGIC GREEN HAT.  When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren’t that sick after all.  Cut … Read more

Cartoon of the day 6-29-11 (Not a Cartoon)

I’m Gandalf and Magneto

Cartoon of the day 6-28-11

Michael Ramirez – Strategic Oil Reserves

Cartoon of the day 6-26-11 (Barking Donkey)

Eric Alli – Barking Donkey

Cartoon of the day 6-25-11

Nate Beeler- Tax hikes

Cartoon of the day 6-24-11

Chip Bok – ATM

Cartoon of the (yester)day 6-22-11

Nate Beeler -Gunwalker

Cartoon of the day 6-23-11

Dana Summers – Target

Cartoon of the day 6-21-11

Hope and Change – Glenn Mc Coy

Cartoon of the day 6-17-11

DWS Turns it around

Cartoon of the day 6-16-11

The Palin Papers

Picture of The Day 6-15-11 (Bin Laden’s Last FB post -one more time)

Bin Laden’s last facebook post

Caption Contest

Caption Contest – Write a caption for this picture

Cartoon of the day 6-14-11

New Hampshire Debate

Cartoon of the day 6-13-11

Ramirez – Right Hand on Yemen

Cartoon of the day 6-12-11

Look Weiner!

Cartoon of the day 6-10-11


Cartoon of the day 6-9-11

Economy v Romneycare

Cartoon of the day 6-8-11


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