Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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Stalin – #2 undermine America’s morality

by Skip

Having written my post that explored Communist Joe Stalin’s words as a riff on Steve’s post, I just stared when I saw this over at Instapundit: Morality?  As the Progressives increasing decide that subject after subject, issue after issue, that there should be “No Stigma” – what traditional social mores are left that keep that … Read more

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