Jerry DeLemus

Jerry DeLemus is Coming Home – Please Help Us Welcome Him!

Jerry DeLemus is finally getting released from prison.  They will be picking Jerry up on 11/9/21 to return to his home and his family. They are also setting up a motorcade escort for Jerry with two locations. The motorcade will travel from Devens with a stop at the NH Travel Ctr and then to the Home Depot in Rochester.

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Shutdown Intelligence Agencies

The NSA Has Violated Our Rights … It’s Official

After exposure by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden, it took seven years. But last week a federal appeals court ruling came down. It says the Obama-Era NSA’s bulk collection of phone metadata was both illegal and unnecessary.

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Jerry Delemus

Who Should Not Be in Jail? Jerry Delemus!

Violent Communist agitators backed by millions in donated funds are wreaking as much pre-election organized havoc as possible.  Progressives in Hollywood as well as Democrat elites are complicit in burning down their own cities as angry communists claim the surrendered land as their own.

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BREAKING NEWS – NH Executive Council gives Joe Barton a pardon

This has been several years in the making since the day that the NH AG’s investigator decided to get into a fight with Joe Barton as he was watching voters (more background here).  Long story short, his appeals were denied to the NH Supreme Court; he ended up petitioning the NH Executive Council for a … Read more

A Presidential Pardon for Jerry Delemus

Cross-posted from Stella’s Place


Our friend, TheOriginalG-d&Country, sent the following post to me via email, and asked if I would share it with all of you. It is OG&C’s desire that it also be posted at The Conservative Treehouse (Last Refuge), and I will see if that can be done as well, though that decision will not be mine.

A Presidential Pardon for Jerry Delemus

OG&C has been researching the case of Jerry Delemus, and his involvement with the Bundy Ranch stand-off, which occurred in 2014. Here is the report resulting from this research.

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